MY PROBLEM WITH DELTANS , WHY DO WE HATE THE NAKED TRUTH. dna-nigeria/problem-deltans-hate-naked-truth/ Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologize for being correct, or for being years ahead of your time. If you’re right and you know it, speak your mind. Speak your mind. Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth. How does it sound like now? Deltans attention have been diverted. All because of 2015 elections. Nobody is talking about abandoned projects anymore,nobody is demanding for accountability on EEU administration. Nobody is talking of bad roads. Nobody is taking of unemployment. Is it not obvious that EEU government failed us? The worst part is that,some social media political thugs are going about campaigning for his candidate. For crying out loud, this is someone who could not commissioned a project as governor for good 7years. This is someone who who could not create jobs or employed youths. I wonder the foot print he is leaving behind. A man that did not perform should not be giving an opportunity to produce the next governor. Because he will definitely effect him with his corrupt practice.Is painful because the youths are online daily, campaigning for those shameless politicians who failed us yesterday. The so called finish strong agenda is now a poem that my puppy can recite easily. EEU government ended without completion of mini stadium. His tenure ended without. youths empowerment. His tenure ended without completion of Asaba- Ughelli road. He tenure ended without completion of Warri industrial park. His tenure ended without completing a major bridge in the state. His tenure elapsed without constructing hospitals in rural areas. His tenure elapsed without giving those in the rural areas good waters and standard of living. His tenure elapsed without completion of IPP project. He could not position or empowered his boys as his cousin(ibori) did. He could not boast of a finished project. Where are the mobile clinic he spent billion of naira on? What are there positive effect on the masses? Where are the monies meant for flood victims? Where are the monies meant for youths empowerment kept in bank of industry. A government that could not transform lives and properties. A government that did not consult widely before embarking on BRT project. A lawless government that is busy using state funds to lobby in federal. Say no to a repetitive administration. We must stop them by not voting his imposed candidate. Seven good years with nothing to show forth. Now they are diverting our attention to 2015. when billions of Naira passed through the pipelines unlawfully. Where are the funds generated from Agofure motors? Corruption is what a normal individual should remember EEU for. After spending N7billion to clear hills,the purposed international airport is still half baked. What is the state of the approved upgrading of the Warri airport? Where are we going with this same cabal? Where?
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 14:34:44 +0000

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