MY PUBLIC OPINION OF A 2016 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE [PUBLIC NOTICE: I am expressing my political opinion on 2016 Presidential Candidates as an American citizen, protected by the First Amendment] FRIEND: Thank you Alfred Lambremont Webre ~ I soooooooooooo have known this for soooooooooo long: https://youtube/watch?v=Rq9vOEM-PEY ALFRED: Thank you Ani! People write me that this is a brilliant program. Everybody loved it. Richie Allen began by asking me How did your book get time-traveled back to 1971. So told the story on the air. Then 2016 U.S. Presidential Candidate Andy Basiago came on and listened to the the program and in his delusional way thought I was ripping him off when I was answering the hosts question about my book and my story. And Andy was triggered into his harassment. Why was Basiago triggered into his harassment of Webre? Because Webre had revealed the true extent that Secret Teleportation And Time Travel Technology [Are] Used To Govern The Planet. This is something that Basiago was [unwittingly] programmed by CIA to veneer, not to reveal. And Basiago is unconscious of the fact that is has been programmed to run maniacally for President 2016, 2020, 2024 and muck up the works for true Progressives and qualified Candidates. Basiago has been programmed to demonstrate the surface disclosure, not the deeper reality. So when Webre starts to reveal what was really going on in Project Pegasus and CIA Mars program that was controlled by Dick Cheney in the black ops world, that sends Basiago into a rage. However his unconscious alters do not know why Basiago is in a rage and why he must start harassing Webre at the very moment that Webre is starting to launch NewsInsideOut, a news agency designed to reveal the compartmentalized Truths the CIA has in its Nazi-model bureaucracy. IMHO Basiago is seriously imbalanced and mind-controlled. There is NO way that Basiago should be President of the USA with his finger on the nuclear button. He has called me SEVERAL TIMES in the middle of the night to rave, When I am President I am going to NUKE THE BRITS Folks BASIAGO is unstable and is not fit to be President. He is psychologically self-referent to a fault and grossly distorts interpersonal interactions. Do not let the CIA make him President. He is a CIA mind-controlled distraction 40 years in the making to suck energy out of the Truth movement, IMHO. He would have made a wonderful whistleblower and Mars and Time Travel scholar. Now he is a political crank that is conflating Patriotism, Time Travel secrets, Destiny and his disclosure platform and is another roadside attraction. I do have some political experience. I was a Delegate to the 1996 Texas Democratic Convention. My family was a leader in Texas Democratic circles. The 1980 Ted Kennedy Presidential Campaign used my family home as its Texas base and Bobby Kennedy, Jr. lived in my home for months and slept in my bedroom. I know a bit about electoral politics. Basiago is a CIA ringer, remotely programmed model. In Light, Alfred   [PUBLIC NOTICE: I am expressing my political opinion on 2016 Presidential Candidates as an American citizen, protected by the First Amendment]
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 06:45:25 +0000

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