MY REGRET @ 47 - A BIRTHDAY SPEECH OF AN O.C.A. MEMBER. It is with a real but fading regret that I stand before you (OCA Members) to present my 47th birthday speech. This regret is premised on the fact that a group like O.C.A. was not founded ealier ago when I was very young. It is a fading regret because I know that through O.C.A. I can still contribute to my community development to make up for the years lost or limited by lack of knowledge and direction. MY DISCOVERY @ 47 - I have discovered that; 1) Dr. Eno Otoyo was not up to 42 when he established the Christian Tech. College in oyubia Town. 2) Dr. Ebiekpi was not up to 40 when in 1980 he established the Ndumayak Clinic - a monumental pride shared by all Oyubia people. 3) Late Chief I. U. Iyanam was not up to 40 when he in the early 70s spearheaded the thrust for the reconstruction of Oro Nation after the civil war. He was not up to 47 when he directed Govt. attention to Oyubia for additional Infrastruture at the Oyubia Technical college, provision of the first and Biggest water project in a community outside Oron Town. The first rural electrification project commissioned by His Excellency Obong Akpan Isemins Administration in Oro Nation- There can be no perfect documentary on his achievements. 4) Late Engr. Oyong Peter Okwong was not up to 35 when he inspected the building of the first set of about 29 vessels for the initial operations of the Nigerian Port Authority in the late 50s. He was not up to 47 when he initiated the idea for the establishment of the Maritime Academy of Nigeria in Oron. Time and space will fail me to acknowledge the contributions of others who before 45 had left indellible footprints on the sands of time brought about the defunct Oyubia Local Government, made Oyubia proud with an enviable status. MY fellow comrades of O.C.A. WE ARE TOO OLD AND RUNNING TOO SLOW. Lets step on accelerator pedal with aggression for a speedy recovery. I believe that O.C.A. can take a giant stride forward to turn despair into confidence for thousands of people who know that POVERTY, HUNGER AND CHRONIC ILL HEALTH ARE NOT THE NECESSARY COMPANIONS OF MAN. Thank you.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 15:57:02 +0000

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