MY RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS LOOKS LIKE...? Most of us have trouble - TopicsExpress


MY RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS LOOKS LIKE...? Most of us have trouble getting this fact through our human skulls: The God of all creation actually desires a personal relationship with us. Not only did Jesus die for us, but also on a day-by-day basis, He wants to live and intimately interact with us! In the Bible, our Lord paints a number of word pictures to describe how He wants His relationship with us to look. (Please take some time to look up the corresponding passages – it’s worth it.) 1. The Vine and The Branches (John 15:5). It is a close, intimate, and dependent relationship where spiritual nutrients flow and life is experienced. This certainly does not depict a far-off, detached, and distant God capable only of a cold and impersonal relationship. 2. The Sheep and The Shepherd (John 10). In this wonderful passage, Jesus describes Himself as the “good shepherd” who cares for His sheep. He protects the sheep to the point of giving His life for them. But the most tender expression of intimate relationship comes in verse 27: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” 3. The Bride and Bridegroom (Ephesians 5:22-33). Many are familiar with this passage, as it refers to marital relations. But Jesus is also using marriage as a metaphor for the level of intimacy He desires between Himself and those in His Church. Many often use verse 31 in marriage ceremonies, but they leave out verse 32 which has to do with you and me: “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.” I didn’t really consider the impact of verse 32 until recently. It’s self-explanatory: we are to become one with Christ as the husband and wife are to be one with each other! And remember that we are the church – it’s not a building. So… how does the depth, intimacy and vibrancy of your current relationship with God compare to the one that He has gone out of His way to describe to you? What has to change? Is there a god, idol, relationship or life distraction that has to be removed? Talk to our Lord about it. Today. You are loved. *Do you have a copy of Spiritual Sobriety? Please check out our website at spiritualsobrietyweb
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 22:17:57 +0000

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