MY RESEARCH ON GLOBAL WARMING & THE CONSEQUENCIES. My research shows that in the next 15yrs to come; the rate at which solar radiation will penetrate to the earth will rise to 1.5. It simply means that the heat from the sun will get to the earth directly and the consequences cannot be subsided. Among them are: 1. Different types of skin cancer will be on the increase. 2. Surface organisms that aid in soil fertility tru their saprophitic activities will die. Meaning natural recycling of many important organic n inorganic will b halted. Fertile lands will also be transformed to succesions. 3. Aquatic organisms will die due to high water temperature meaning low dissolution of oxygen; many phytoplanktons n zooplanktons will die and water pollution will rise leading to more complications. 4. Agricultural n Biological activities that efficiently keep the ecosystem going will be affected. SOLUTION; 1. Stop burning of hydrocarbons cos they release gases that deplete the ozone layer. 2. Stop using refrigerators that use CFC gases as coolants. 3. Stop deforestation and encourage afforestation. 4. Donot use cars, generators or machines that generate CarbonmonoOxide gases. 5. Factories n Chimneys should be forced to treat the chemical gaseous wastes they generates before releasing them. 6. And lots more.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 14:38:42 +0000

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