MY RESOLUTION ON SENATOR SULEIMAN ASONYA ADOKWE I will not insult anybody I will not hate anybody I will not fight anybody I will not disrespect anybody I will not harm anybody I will not cheat on anybody I will not deceive anybody I will not speak against anybody I will not oppose anybody I will not stop talking to anybody And above all, I will not kill anybody. I have resolved not to do all the aforementioned actions for the sake of my mentor and the pillar of many, Distinguished Senator Suleima Asonya Adokwe. This is because, I know very well that he will not be pleased with me should I opt to do any of the action above in pretence that I am defending him. And for those who have resorted to do any of the above action because they derive pleasure in doing that, and their bosses and mentors are happy with them, because their bosses and mentors feel they are defending them, should be very careful and watch their utterances. Their bosses and mentors should also understand that, whoever that is against anybody because he is with you today, will surely be against you tomorrow should he fall out with you And I wish to put this straight for record purpose, because I am showering praises on my mentor and pillar of many, Senator Suleiman Asonya Adokwe and propagating his good works, does not mean that I will deviate from the good morality I am known for. This is because, I was brought up in a military way, whoever that is conversant with the style of the military will testify that they are disciplined in every ramifications. As such, I am one of the benefactors of the military ways of discipline and training, and therefore will not do anything contrary to that background that I am equipped from and proud of. A few days ago, I was pathetically disturbed when information within my reach made me to understand that, some people have been sponsoring me to insulting the person of Architect Salihu Hussein Agyegbola, `Talban Agwatashi` who still remain one of my mentors, because he is contesting against `the people`s senator`, Senator Suleiman Asonya Adokwe, `Wakilin Alago` and `Iyimoga of Alago` on pages of social media. If this is true, I have host of admirers who have been hanging on my every piece and my utterances, they would have called me to order. Two, all my postings and comments are still there for record on the following social media pages: 1. Senator Suleiman Adokwe Solidarity Forum 2. Obi L.G.C. People`s Assembly 3. Alago Forum 4. Alago News @ NBS 5. Alago Youth Forum 6. Diddat Foundation Concept 7. Nasarawa People`s Congress 8. Nasarawa Youth Watch and host of others. I am challenging anybody who felt I had mentioned or insult the person of Architect Salihu Hussein Egyegbola in any of my publication, to quote me from any of the social media pages. If I am proved guilty, I have no excuse to tender my highest degree of apology to whoever felt I must have stepped on their toes. And if there is no evidence tender to prove me guilty within one week of this posting, then, I will boldly say it is a deformation of character, and my action will be excised without remorse. I am very much aware of these, age wise, educationally, financially, socially, technically and experimentally, Architect Salihu Husseini Egyegbola, is incomparably far ahead of me, that I might not step on the foot of his record of achievements in life, except if ALLAH chooses to do it in His way. Therefore, on what ground should I mention his name in my piece let alone insulting him. POINT OF NOTE: I am not and will never be like those acclaim school goers, yet their level of intellectuality is myopic and unwitting. I wish to finally and categorically state this without intention or tension, that no amount of intimidation or antagonism will shrink me or limit my personal interest from showering praises on Distinguished Senator Suleiman Asonya Adokwe, Wakilin Alago and Iyimoga of Alago, Chairman Committee on Senate Service and awaiting President of the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Except two things, is either I die, or my Senator, your Senator and our Senator, stops his humanitarian services to his good people of Nasarawa South Senatorial District. Shikenan!!! Isah-Mainasara Yakubu Agyakodibi Coordinator, Senator Suleiman Adokwe Solidarity Forum.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 17:13:11 +0000

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