MY RESPONSE TO A STATEMENT CIRCULATED WIDELY BY MARK TYERS AND ALEX SNOWDON - THE LYING PAIR WHO NOW CONTROL SUNDERLAND PEOPLES ASSEMBLY: The statement is a pack of lies concocted by Alex Snowdon of Counterfire and backed up by the supporters he has fooled into blind obedience. We have solid evidence that proves Snowdon set out to remove me (Gary Duncan) from Sunderland Peoples Assembly and pulled a group around him made up of bitter individuals who had lost political arguments to me in the past and resorted to personal abuse on the internet. That plain and simple fact sets the true context and turns Snowdons fake reality on its head. The accusation that I abused my role as Sunderland PA Facebook admin is entirely false. I handled the Facebook page without any problems until the constant attacks from Snowdons hostile followers became too much to bear and I realised I was never going to be welcome in the PA as they refused to cooperate with me. Only after many weeks of nastiness and negativity did I begin to react to the hate campaign and retaliate with a little venom of my own. Two months of hostility took its toll on me and I eventually lashed out. Id had to tolerate a Facebook group called Garys Gulag, which existed for the sole purpose of abusing and intimidating me and contained most of Snowdons sinister circle of haters. Then there were comments from Snowdonites on the Sunderland PA page itself such as Mick McGlens hateful rallying call: Come to the meeting and help us finish him off. None of this abuse has been criticised or questioned by Snowdon. Why? Because he was the instigator and it was all part of his plan to get rid of me from Sunderland PA. Alex Snowdon is guilty of persecuting a hardworking activist out of an anti-cuts group he was devoted to. I would like to see a full inquiry so such injustice cannot happen again.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 02:34:55 +0000

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