MY ROMANCE NOVEL... When u change ur life Dramatically there will - TopicsExpress


MY ROMANCE NOVEL... When u change ur life Dramatically there will of course be speculations, rumors, questions, MISconceptions... lol Thats ok... it should be there when u R a light bearer, a revelator... those challenges R put there so u can illuminate.... Ill share a bit about my weight loss journey. I do want to say I am most certainly encouraged 99.9% of the time... some times though there are that 0.1% that say or bring up questions, speculations... some people- its just their nature... I cant possibly view it as a thing a bout me... @ other times I can see (esp w/ women) jealousy just oozing... lol But some were oozing when I was bigger 2 so... honestly it puts a smile on my face bc I know they were glad I was obese & they couldnt handle me then... now they really just cant take it... so they either attack & try attempts @ doing stupid sneaky things 2 get under my skin. NAH NOT REALLY- it couldnt work w/ me at 321 lbs & most certainly not now! lol Girls I want u 2 know that Im used 2 it... I kinda love it... When Gods w/ u it really doesnt matter whos against u. I waste no time worrying about any 1s internall issues... theyve the same access 2 Jesus as I do... when they get tired theyll seek him. Im blessed bc hes w/ me- he loves me & I glory in it- oh yes, absolutely! lol Any 1 who choses Gods ways will be blessed by them. BUT Of Gods ways Gods best will yield Gods best results in our lives. Gods best is designed 2 put the best nutrition in ur body, expel toxins & disease, build ur immunity, reverse aging & rebuild ur cells... ur temple will undergo deep restructuring... deep reconstruction. I loved being on protein but there came a time when I began 2 look dehydrated & some mistook it 4 being overly thin... Well u cant be at the top of ur BMI & have adipose covers & be overly thin... what that means is simply that for me to be w/in my actual grt state of well being... the price is I will look thinner than the average small person bc God framed me extra extra small. lol Im giggling bc I have no complaints about that... 1 not all that smart nurse even told me she thought I had an eating disorder. I was like oh really?!!!! Which one was that? lol She was stuck right there. When u have an eating disorder nutrition means absolutely squat... No person Ive seen or heard of whos got one knows 1 thing about nutrition or gives a care... I see dramatic results bc Ive been practicing 4 over a decade... I know what yields grt results in combos of both weight loss, body building & in no time. Taking 4 ever doesnt mean 1s doing the right thing... I can put on 20 lbs fast, I should be able to take it off just as fast... People w/ eating disorders are in 2 categories- the overweight & the underweight... Each of the 2 do 2 inhance the conditions theyre already in. Those aiming 2 be underweight either dont eat & do all they can think but that which is actually healthy 2 get rid of weight... What results is in fact muscle wasting, malnutrition, physical weakness & weak immunity, inability 4 their bodies 2 look normal nor function normal... They stretch themselves beyond capacity... exercise all day... lol that kind of thing. Others use the binge & vomit methods. Now I state I eat a lot but its a lot of fruits & vegies, or in the past pure protein. Now if I intended to binge it & vomit it- wouldnt I be binging on something I really liked like velvet cheese cake, Doritos? Why would one spend their income on undesired healthy whole foods so they can binge it & vomit it? lol Obviously none of those things are Mayonce- I have a real job & busy life requiring energy & I go out of my way 2 eat energy & of the right sources... I dont even exercise! I still got meat on me & honestly I humbly say of all people Ive seen lose 200 lbs... I look more than descent- all the efforts Ive put into losing & building right have not as of yet disappointed... Minor fixes are- it would be illogical not to expect some- hello!!!!!! In addition those w/ body eating disorders have both self esteem & self image problems... Mayonce loved her Yonce @ 300+ lbs... Ive never practiced anything 2 destroy my body even outside of weight loss. Even w/ obesity I was very careful in all I did: no smocking, no drug abuse, no drinking, no immorality, adequate sleep... I drank no soda or juice for like 8-9 yrs & I didnt eat any canned foods & no high salt... I ate sweets only on occasions... a lot of my weight gain was a combination of eating unhealthy, I was always busy, but not necessarily all that mobile, & I had fat building habits like laying down after meals, not eating all day & having a large meal (its nursing... we never have time...) & Ive never really not dieted all these yrs... Ppl who R ignorant think Ive had 1 or 2 things get me slimmed... sorry I worked hard 4 mine. lol I watch everything I do. If I detailed all Ive done to lose weight, it would be larger than a romance novel. Ive gone 2 many different types of Drs... & I was willing to do it all. I pride myself in that I am that go getter whos willing to do it all & I will not give glory 2 another. I MYSELF HAVE WORKED THIS HARD, PAID PENALTIES, HAVE UNDERGONE CHANGES, & TAKEN UP EVERY MEAN OF INTERVENTION... I DID IT. I LOOK & FEEL GRT... LOL IF U DIDNT KNOW... THATS UR BAD. If any 1 intervention deserves the credit- it would be a very inaccurate perception bc it took all of it. I really didnt share anything except my diet without which nothing happens & that is that which if foundation... & its that which others can relate 2. Ive always been clear that I do receive medial help, spiritual help, & I work hard 2 follow every health advice... Thats exactly what sets me apart from others... otherwise everyone who does any of the 1 things I do or have done would look like me. Im proud of my hard work & where its gotten me. U can chose 2 fight 4 ur life... I chose 2 fight 4 mine... till the end God was my helper & sustainer. Thank u Lord.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 17:28:50 +0000

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