MY STORY On Thursday November 7th 2013 I went to my primary - TopicsExpress


MY STORY On Thursday November 7th 2013 I went to my primary care physician with complaints of the following. -excessive pain and pressure behind my eight eye. - seeing ocassional white and black spots. -numbness and tingling down my arms into my fingers as well as my right leg. -headaches that wouldnt go away with Tylenol, ibuprofen ect. -multiple ocassions where my brain thought one thing and a completely different thing came out of my mouth. -frequently losing train of thought. My doctor did a eye exam and checked me over, asked me a ton of questions and ran multiple blood tests and told me he wanted me to have a MRI to see if I had a brain tumor pressing against my optic nerve. He advised me that all my aymptoms were point towards a tumor. Scared and feeling alone I went to the lab and had many viles of blood taken and than I went back to work. On Monday November 11th I had my MRI done and went back to work. On Tuesday morning I called my primary doctors office to find out how long it would be before I woild hear from the doctor. They advised it would be a few days. Tuesday afternoon my phone rang and it was the doctors office, my heart sank and I almost missed the call I was so nervous to pick it up. It was my doctor calling to let me know that he felt like a neurologist needed to be the one to go over the results with me and that a refferal had been sent over I just needed to get my films. On Wednesday I went to get my films from the hospital and I walked over to medical records to get the report. I read the final impression before I read all the other medical mumbo-jumbo. When I read the words multiple sclerosis it knocked the wind out of me. I called my Mom right away and sent her the report. I than placed a call to my husband and than my doctor to confirm that he that he indeed agreed with the radiologists report. He confirmed. He let me know that he is sending me to one of the best neurologists in town.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 03:19:22 +0000

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