MY TEARS AND FEARS FOR NIGERIA When President Umaru Musa - TopicsExpress


MY TEARS AND FEARS FOR NIGERIA When President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua died on 5th May 2010, I cried bitterly like a newborn baby because I knew that so many things were going to go wrong in Nigeria. I am not a Muslim; I am not from Katsina State and I am not a member of the Late Yar’Adua’s family but his death shocked me tremendously because of his leadership prowess. In spite of the fact that some vampires, including those within his own family, turned him into a mere inert resource for their diabolical schemes, he was very conscious that Nigeria belongs to all Nigerians not only his family or friends. Late President Yar’Adua had a very good intention for Nigeria. He believed in the Rule of Law and allowed the legislature and the Judiciary to operate without external interference. He declared his assets. He openly admitted that the 2007 general elections were not free and fair and was working toward reforming our electoral system. He brought forth his 7-point Agenda to reposition Nigeria and was seriously working toward actualizing them. His 7-point Agenda: 1. Power and Energy 2. Food Security and Agriculture 3. Wealth Creation and Employment 4. Mass Transportation 5. Land Reform 6. Security 7. Qualitative and Functional Education. US President Barack Obama offered condolences, stating: He was committed to creating lasting peace and prosperity within Nigerias own borders, and continuing that work will be an important part of honoring his legacy but unfortunately Nigeria cannot see such commitment today. When President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan took the mantle of leadership after President Yar’Adua’s death, I was extremely pessimistic about his ability to effectively follow Yar’Adua’s steps and govern Nigeria in the light of unity and development. Today, most of my friends and acquaintances understand why I cried when President Yar’Adua died because of series of unpleasant events that are unfolding in Nigeria today. Late President Yar’Adua had a vision for Nigeria and if God had allowed him to complete his first term, Nigeria would be a country to be extremely proud of. He saw all the things that are happening now coming and he organized his government in such a way that would tackle every treat effectively. The failure of Jonathan administration to follow late president Yar’ Adua administration’s footsteps or even do better than his predecessor has made me to ask three basic questions: 1. Does Jonathan administration lack the resources to tackle insecurity and the enormous economic and other problems hitting Nigeria? 2. Does Jonathan administration places personal, political and other interests over the interest of Nigerians? 3. Will President Jonathan re-election make Nigeria better or worse than it is right now? As a journalist and as a researcher, I never wanted to comment on Jonathan administration or make comparisons but I fear for Nigeria because Nigeria is already sinking and if nothing is done soon to salvage the situation, then I am afraid that we are all going to sink and get drowned because we don’t have life-jackets. “The government, which was designed for the people, has got into the hands of the bosses and their employers, the special interests. An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy”. ---Woodrow Wilson “Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country”. ---Franklin D. Roosevelt I want to use this medium to appeal to President Jonathan that if Nigeria must succeed as a nation, the interest of the governed must supersede any other interest. It is my fervent prayer that the Almighty God will help us not to use religion, politics, ethnicity, political party or personal interest to disunite Nigeria. GOD BLESS NIGERIA.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 15:30:19 +0000

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