MY TESTIMONY! This is a blessed day. Ive been on a journey - TopicsExpress


MY TESTIMONY! This is a blessed day. Ive been on a journey that God has had me on for 3 1/2 years. Not a easy one! A very difficult & heartbreaking one, Ive had challenges that were unsurmountable, financial hardships that left me with no appetite for days, worries that kept me awake all night, cruel-hearted acts and words towards me, my character assassinated by many and even those who never met me. Backs turned on me and left to fail. But i kept trusting God and prayed day and night, Ive waited for answered prayers, and during my trials and tribulations i prayed for others; Ive listened kept silent and remained a true man of God! I never retaliated against those who have wronged me or meant for my demise, i prayed for salvation for scores of people Ive met or made aquaintances on Facebook, and stood in the gap for others who couldnt pray on their own. Yet i waited on God, perseverance was my motivation; living right before God was my walk, and I never waivered. Consistency in my talk, my posts and in my character is what I promised to the Lord! Temptation was many but i was delivered by the grace of God, at times of weakness i prayed, at times of anger and frustration i prayed; and waited for the Lord to move on my behalf! The Lord has been my constant friend, even though I do not have what I want or prayed for; i received what i needed. All the while praising God, thanking God, telling others about God. I went from having no home, to a roof over my head and my childs, utilities being shut off, phones off, no gas in a car, no job; to the Lord blessing me with these things. God has allowed me to be a Good and Godly example in the sight of my child. And the love and respect i see in my child for me, lets me know my journey was not in vain. Ive lost so much, in every aspect of my life, and 3 1/2 years of this storm; i have a testimony of God! Of how he will give you better and double for your trouble. How we must see things to the end! And not jump into situations that will prolong a delay to our blessings, how to love people who dont love you, how to be kind to those who arent kind to you. And to be a example of a Christian to strangers who only read your posts or say hello on the street! I cant tell you what i lost how much Ive suffered! But God saved me, redeemed me, forgave me, cleansed me & is about to bless me & my child beyond the pain. Whoever reads this and whatever you are going through, keep trusting God & wait on him to move on your behalf. Have faith no matter what the situation looks like, even if its not going your way, its all in Gods plan, just give him praise! If you have a petition before the Lord, make it plain and stand on it and wait for the change. It may not come like you want it to or how you want to see it become. But God is faithful! God IS REAL! AND HE WILL BLESS YOU IF YOUR HEART IS RIGHT & IF YOU LIVE RIGHT BEFORE HIM! I HOLD NO GRUDGES, NO ANIMOSITY, NO HATE TOWARDS ANYONE PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE, GOD HAS SET ME FREE! MY TESTIMONY IS GOD HAS BROUGHT ME A LONG WAY, AND DELIVERED ME FROM MY PAST; INTO A GLORIOUS FUTURE FOR MY GOOD AND HIS GLORY! 1) REPENT 2) FORGIVE, ANYTHING & ANYONE IN THE PAST THAT HAS WRONGED YOU 3) HOLD NO GRUDGE, NO MATTER HOW SMALL AGAINST ANYONE 4) LIVE RIGHT, NO MATTER WHAT OTHERS ARE DOING. .LIVE RIGHT, 5) READ YOU BIBLE! LIVE ACCORDING TO GODS WILL! 6) BE A EXAMPLE TO YOUR CHILDREN & OTHERS (have morals!) 7) GIVE YOUR WORRIES TO GOD AND LEAVE IT THERE 8) SURROUND YOURSELF WITH GODLY PEOPLE 9) ATTEND A BIBLE BASED CHURCH & PAY YOUR TITHES 10) PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! PRAY, (PRAY A BLESSING FOR THOSE WHO HAVE HURT YOU OR DONE YOU WRONG, PRAY FOR OTHERS, PRAY FOR SALVATION FOR OTHERS, PRAY WITH OTHERS GOR THEIR PETITIONS......JUST PRAY AND TALK TO GOD, ASK HIM TO FORGIVE YOU OF YOUR PAST AND PRESENT, PRAY AND JUST TALK TO GOD!) PRAYER CHANGES THINGS AND GOD CHANGES PEOPLE. HE`S CHANGED ME & HE CAN CHANGE YOU! I LOVE GOD & THATS MY TESTIMONY OF HOW HE IS BLESSING ME! GO TO GOD AND MAKE THE CHANGE! MY NAME IS ROBB PERON. This is my testimony! Romans 12:17 Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. 1st Peter 5:10 In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 23:56:45 +0000

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