***MY THREE REASONS FOR BELIEVING IN THE QUR’AN*** If you ask me to give you three reasons as to why I do believe in the Qur’an, then my answer would be the following: 1). Because the Qur’an is the word of our Exalted Prophet (S.A.W), whom not only the common people of Mecca, but even his arch-enemies would call AMEEN (= Trustworthy) and SIDEEQ (= Truthful). Allah has attested this fact repeatedly in the Qur’an stating that this Great Book of Wisdom (Al-Qur’an) is a true word of Rasool-e-Kareem (= Noble Messenger). Verse# 69:40 “Inahoo laqol Rasoolin Karim” TRANSLATION: “This is the utterance of a Noble Messenger” [The revelation is uttered through his tongue.] Verse# 81:19 “Inahoo laqol Rasoolin Karim” TRANSLATION: “This is the utterance of a Noble Messenger” 2). After the first reason, no other reason would stand. However, for the sake of clarity my second reason is that the Qur’an advises us to have faith in God and His Laws (= Angels) that govern this universe, and it supports and authenticates all Holy Scriptures, and advises us to believe in all His Messengers and the Day of Judgement (= His Law of Requital). 3). The Qur’an tells the truth about everything. There is only one thing that it does not tell. That is, it does not tell lies or support conjecture.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 19:59:43 +0000

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