MY TURN: Only in Liberian democracy can a sitting Senator and his - TopicsExpress


MY TURN: Only in Liberian democracy can a sitting Senator and his wife be arrested on mere allegations of a threat,--not by him or his wife, --but by his supporters to commit a crime. So in the absence of the alleged threat being carried to burn down the NEC County Office, a Senator sits in jail with his wife. And this is a nation that is run based on the rule of law? It makes you want to.......uhhhh. But you have a son of the president, Fomba Sirleaf of the NSA, who allegely commited armed robbery that netted him and his NSA goons US $250,000.00 against South Korean businessmen but are not arrested. Even before a court trial, a handpicked Independent Investigator friend of the Sirleaf Clan reccomends that Liberian tax dollars to used to repay the robbed Koreans. Mind you that Fomba and his partners in crime said they only seized US counterfeit mkney of $49,500.00 from the Koreans when they raided tbeir hotel in July; and kne of the reasons given by former Justice Minister Christina Tah in her resignation because President Sirleaf would not have her son Fomba investigated by Tah. And anyone who thinks this regime will relinquish power in free and fair elections they are bound to lose to an opposition party in 2017 must be living on a different planet. They will cook the numbers to claim victory to maintain their grip on power and perpetuate this criminality. They only language this regime understands is People Power nonviolent protest. Dont say I didnt warn you three years in advance. And if the Police went and slept there in Tubmanburg for preventive measures against the threat that never happened, yet this Senator and his wife were arressted and are in jail? Can the supporters of this regime defend this blantant abuse of state police powers in violating the Senators rights in the absence of evidence and court trial? Is this the democracy we should adore? I am not a fan of Senator Lasana, but for Gods sake, what kind of country is Liberia run by a Nobel Peace Prize winner? Then there are new allegations emerging that the regime bribed each Senator with US$31,000.00 as hush-hush money to ram through passage of fire sale offshore Oil Blocks before the new Senate convenes, knowing Ellen would not have the votes in the new Senate after the senatorial elections. Senator Sando Johnson of Ellens Bomi County has passed on photo copies to the press of his cashed check drawn from the Liberian taxpayers money at the National Bank of Liberia. Was the bribery money authorized by the Legislature? If not, the new Senate needs to summon the president to a hearing. I smell impeachment proceedings against the president in 2015. The new Senate has got its work cut out for them by the president. We will see if they will wear the you-chop, I-chop badge of dishonor tagged on Liberian lawmakers. And if it is proven the money was not authorized by the National Legislature, then all Senators that took the bait have commited the crime of bribery and the South Beach Prison is meant for all criminals, including Senators and President. The Liberian democracy is now on trial. Can a new Senator George Manneh Weah and the new Senators prove their worthiness? And for Weah that will be his first test if he is for the people and ready for the 2017 presidential elections? We are watching. Jerry Wehtee Wion, Journalist and Political Commentator, Washington, DC, USA
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 19:59:12 +0000

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