MY TURN: US President Barack Obama has put ALL on NOTICE that it - TopicsExpress


MY TURN: US President Barack Obama has put ALL on NOTICE that it is not going to be business as usual for those that sponsor war, commit war crimes, crimes against humanity, human rights abuses and economic crimes. And in his own words, President Obama said: From Nuremberg to Yugoslavia to LIBERIA, the United States has seen that the end of impunity and the promotion of justicr are not just moral imperatives; they are stabilizing forces in international affairs. The United States is thus working to strengthen national justice systems and is maintaining our support for ad hoc international tribunals and hybrid courts. Those who INTENTIONALLY target innocent civilians MUST be held ACCOUNTABLE, and we will continue to support institutions and PROSECUTIONS that advance this important interest. Although the United States is not at present a party to the Rome Statue of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and will always protect U.S. personnel, we are engaging with State Partners to the Rome Statute on issues of concern and are supporting the ICCs prosecution of those cases that advance US interests and values, consistent with the requirements of U.S. law. In political science 101 in colloge, my professor said the United States does NOT have permanent friends, but rather the U.S. has permanent INTERESTS. Allies today can become enemies tomorrow and enemies of yesterday can become friends today. Examples would be Japan during World War and its attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii...and Japan today with its strong economy in the world and its thriving democracy. And then you have IRAN under The Shah, and Iran today under the Mullahs and Ayatollahs. And Liberia, a stepchild that the U.S. has been breastfeeding since 1847 has become a problem child of late, and now Papa has taken off the belt and is ready to spank some stubborn nerds. This is the drama that is unfolding now by Uncle Sam against Charles Taylor, Chuckle Jr, George Boley, Tom Woewiyu, Kabina Janeh and Len Eugene Nagbe....and more to follow. Hello??? And dont paint your racist paint brush on President Obama because he is one of us; we share the same African DNA and he knows our problems and can better talk to us in the plain, blunt language Africans understand. And so at the White House meeting with his fellow Africans next month, it is going to be tough talking, leaving no stone unturned. A hint about his message to African leaders next month here in Washington should take you back to his July 2013 visit to South Africa and his pep talk to students at Cape Town University; and his powerful eulogy to the grearest African ever, the Madiba Nelson Mandela last December at the Soweto soccer stadium. And there were many African tyrants and their fake tributes to Mandela and crocodile tears. And so Iet me ask: Is this the same Woewiyu who said he is not guilty to charges levied against him by the US during his arraignment in Philadelphia? He knows too much and will take down with him all major players and war criminals in Liberia. We are all ears waiting for the show/trial to start. Indeed, when you pull rope, rope will pull bush, and things will begin to chakala in Liberia. Many are now sleeping with one eye open. But why would Tom now refer to Ellen as a distinguished individual? Because in Toms 2005 Open Letter to Madam Ellen Jonhson Sirleaf, the same Tom said Ellen saw herself as the Commander-in-Chief of the NPFL who gave orders General Charles Taylor, her frontline commander to level Monrovia and it would be rebuilt, and to Tom himself as the Defense (Executioner) Minister. The pandora box is halfway open. In war crimes trials, they usually go after ring leaders or those who bear rhe greatest responsibility. That is why the US case against Tom is digging into the makeup of the ACDL which was the fundraising arm of the NPFL. In her book, This Child Will Be Great, Ellen admits to being a member of the ACDL, which she said raised $10 000.00 for the launch an armed resistence or rebel war against Samuel Doe We know women are not immune from human rights abuse prosecution. The Rwanda genocide had women who were linked to crimes. So what is Ellens role in this unfolding drama? That a Nobel Peace Prize winner head of state may have to face a war crimes tribunal may not be too far fetched. Liberia could set new record with two heads of state that were prosecuted for war crimes, crines against humanity and economic crimes. No wonder why Liberia is Africas first fsiled experiment at democracy. The clock is ticking. Mr. Obama is about to leave a lasting legacy and his footprint on the continent of his father. As leader of the free world and the most powerful man on earth, this is a historic opportunity for him and Africans, and looking over his shoulders are Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and the Madiba Nelson Mandela. We are all anxiously awaiting for this first of its kind meeting of African leaders at the White House, hosted by the first African American President of the United States of America. Jerry Wehtee Wion, Journalist and Political Commentator, Washington, DC, USA. .
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 04:19:30 +0000

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