MY TURN: When Liberias chief sponsor Uncle Sam is no longer - TopicsExpress


MY TURN: When Liberias chief sponsor Uncle Sam is no longer supporting you, then classified and other confidential reports are made unclassified and are made available to the press and your public ridicule becomes the order of the day. You are no longer a darling child and accolades and titles ascribe to you before mean nothing (Africas first elected woman president, Nobel Peace Prize winner, take no-prisoner no-nonesense Iron Lady, war on corruption, corruption enemy number in my government), and they are ready to dump you into the dustbin of history. So for Ellen who rained nepotism and corrupion on Tolbert; saw Doe as greedy and without a vision and country boy who loves three-piece suits, and Taylor as a combination of a blood thirsty mobster and a corrupt crook, Ellen embodies all characteristics ascribed to Tolbert, Doe and Taylor plus more. In her book: THIS CHILD WILL BE GREAT, on page 107 she wrote this about Samuel Doe: Doe held in his hand an astonishing opportunity for meaningful change in Liberia. But instead of grasping it, he tossed it away. The bottom line is this: Doe got greedy. He got greedy and the people around him got greedy too, and collectively they began to feed off the states largess like a pack of hyenas. Money poured out of the governments coffers at an astonishing rate. Any attempt to formulate a vision for moving the country was soon abandoned,) Ellen Johnson Sirleaf wrote. What separates great leaders from the wannabes, also rans are principles, character, integrity and an uncompromising adherence to truth, justice and equality for all. Those were the traits that propelled giants like Dr. MARIN LUTHER KING Jr., the Madiba Dr. NELSON MANDELA, Dr. JULIUS NYERERE, KWAME NKRUMA and ROSA PARKS, just to name a few. So Ellen has three years left for self-redemption, to turn this ugly monster around. Or else, history will,-- and not what degree of greatness you may falsely ascribe to yourself,-- rightfully place you where you belong and your classmates are the likes of the scumbags of Africa: Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe, Majestu Hailemarin, Mobutu Sese Seku and your student Charles Taylor, just to name a few. So the choice is yours Ellen. You had an historic and astonishing opportunity to redeem yourself and wash your blood-stained hands after having planned, conceived and masterminded the 14-year Liberia holocaust from 1989 to 2003 that annihilated 250,000 Liberians to their early graves. And what have you to show for it? I hope you fare better in your exit from power than the exits of Tolbert, Doe and Taylor before. Do not underestimate the resolve of the Liberian people to turn against their leaders. Fellow Liberians, Ellen has created the political climate, prepared the menu and the United States is serving up the cooked food by its revealations of the cronyism of Ellen. Arent you hungry Liberians like a pack of hungry African hyenas, to borrow from Ellens description of Doe? The United States is telling us it is ready to back us NOW if the take to the streets to demand REGIME CHANGE in sustained Peoples Power Protests until Ellen falls from power. You can take the horse to the river but you cant force it to drink. ELLEN puts family, friends, cronies and their love of money over the welfare of the poor Liberian people. I rest my case. Jerry Wehtee Wion in Washington, DC, USA
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:38:25 +0000

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