MY TWO CENTS- I heard about the outcome of the trial, and I - TopicsExpress


MY TWO CENTS- I heard about the outcome of the trial, and I thought it was predictable, Zimmerman was found NOT GUILTY. Fact: Zimmerman killed a 17 year old young man, and that’s undeniable. For what reason, depending on which side of the fence you are on, you decide. But what is also predictable; Zimmerman will be sued in civil court and he will lose — you can bet the award will be in the millions which Zimmerman will not be able to pay. The photo ops will be with Mr. Sharpton, a reverend/minister, a Tawana Brawley defender who claimed that she was raped by 6 white men, which turned out to be a hoax. Mr. Jesse Jackson, a reverend/minister allegedly called N.Y.C. “Hymietown,” and had a child out of wedlock, and the other usual suspects that will be steering the pot. The prosecution did its best with the evidence at hand, but irrespective whether or not it was racially motivated like some would like you to believe, the facts and evidence were not with T. Martin’s team. Without going into every aspects of the trial, there is a very good piece of information that really sticks out for me: If the young man feared for his life, and he was talking to a friend on his cell phone, and it was proven in court that a four minute period of time spanned between a life and death situation, why didn’t Treyvon Martin run away, or tell his friend to call the cops, or called 911 on his own? He did have a cell phone besides the Skittles and a soft drink. A life lost should never be taken lightly, especially when the opportunities were there for both sides to make a better judgment.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 18:58:59 +0000

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