MY UBC CHRONICLES First Day in Office as I am bounced at the - TopicsExpress


MY UBC CHRONICLES First Day in Office as I am bounced at the gate. Alhough i turned up unannounced at the UBC premises my name and picture had been pronounced to the public at the ministerial weekly Presser and ironically run by the then UTV and Radio Uganda (that I was set to transform to UBC as Care taker MD- more like Inaugural MD) . Well well well, apparently, these folks never watched or listened to their own channels, surprisingly perhaps not so surprising, they expected the public to get hooked to what they watched? First lesson on the job had registered. If you cant be fooled into consuming your own product/service how the hell do you expect to sale in a competitive sector??? But, how did I gain access to the premises even when the gatekeeper had asked me rather rudely to get lost? You shall recall I had asked this super sloshed gatekeeper what criteria / criterion he was using to admit drivers access and deny others. He, told me that those persons had paid the boss to gain access to park on the premises. I exclaimed Subhanallah! At which point (Allah heard my prayers) as the honking from the traffic pile up on Nile Avenue was getting terribly irritable and out of utter disgust and irritability from my stubborned reaction (oh yes, I am so so stubborn and I got no apologies to make - Sarah Kagingo my primary school heartthrob calls my stubborn behavior lugezigezi lol) let me in! All this time, the police never bothered to intervene or check me as I gained access. I found myself parking and into the reception I entered. At this point (about 8:00 am)- yes it took me about thirty minutes asking for admittance at the gate, (you then can figure out the traffic pile up on a working day on Nile Avenue connecting with Oasis mall roundabout, the honking and the irritation I caused the sloshed jama). Many staff were streaming so casually and signed the staff book just as an inconvenience for they well registering the wrong time. All this time I was standing and watching all going on and I didnt seem to draw the attention of those around and the receptionist. Why so? Wallahi this will blow you! I mean I am not that, that small even by American or Tongan standards ( them people have their own category of sizes where I allegedly belong, mbu lol). Well, the reason is not hard to find. The receptionists and the other staff reporting for duty were deeply engrossed in selecting the best bargain for steamed corn which on purchase they would proceed to consume right there at the front office!!! I sat at some point and spent another thirty or so minutes. No one, as in no one asked me to identify myself. As I sat continuing to observe the modus operandi of the smaller but nevertheless important details of organizational psychology, I noticed cobwebs at the reception and much after 8 am cleaning was going on being carried out by the laziest souls I had seen thus far! (I come from Kijura in Kabarole- we are famous for tea farming as a community a trade the has no place for lazy bones. I style myself as a Tea Plucker or Munyakasanju as Kimome Ruben Araali would say lol). As the crowd grew my attention was drawn to the Vision and Mission statements placed at the wall. So long and lost in communication, they both had wordings like mobilization, consolidating the achievements for modernization to achieve social economic transformation blah blah blah! I tend to be intuitive and ponder alot when I am not speaking. I instantly realised that if the mission and vision statement werent as definitive, precise and concise then the same could be said of the organization psychology and by extension the product and service. Oh! Lest I forget, as departmental heads were arriving (we had grown up hearing and seeing these big names so I didnt need introductions from them!) they cheerfully joined in the corn bargain and gossip (the gossip detail I will spare you, for I will be acquiescing in the practice Lolest). Corporate leaders? Oh my God! All this time no one, no one was bothered by my presence. And towards 9:00 am, the outgoing commissioner arrived. He hadnt seen me, so he joined the staff in the talk they were having at the reception. When he saw me, the body language and reaction changed from lax to that of a paramilitary officer undergoing training at Kabamba! He immediately exclaimed MD! and lo and behold the rest of the staff. ... Next episode folks
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 02:55:11 +0000

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