MY ULTIMATE TWENTY-FOUR DAY DREAM, LIVED.. For a short twenty-four day period I was actually living a dream come true (for me). Call it my own version of the American Dream. Whatever you want to call it, I could not have conjured up a better scenario for myself in a thousand years. Mind you, this all occurred online through Facebook, but it certainly was real enough, and I was feeling high as a mountain and as if I could do no wrong. I was certainly feeling better than I had been feeling about life in general, for years and years (a job I did not like well and a major car repair bill notwithstanding). On the evening of Sunday, January 26 (near midday on Monday, January 27 in the Philippines), out of the blue, a very pretty and lovely, simple Catholic Filipino girl, with a very sweet, cute and charming, bubbly personality to match, started talking to me. The two of us immediately hit it off extremely well. We both clicked immediately we seemed crazy, out of this world infatuated and in love with each other right from the start. It felt so, so natural, true, beautiful and authentic. I do not think I ever had an easier time talking to a girl, and feeling such a good connection. The talks flowed easily and often (sometimes two times a day, given the limits of a fourteen hour time difference), and we talked and talked of a lot of real good things. We even started making early serious plans. She could not believe that God had given me to her. She did not know how she could have been so good to deserve me. I was her everything and she thought I was basically perfect. As for me, I also considered it too good to be true, how I could be so deserving. I had to keep pinching myself, to make sure it was not just a dream. I was totally flattered the whole way, and I kept telling her so. I was her “Baby” and “Daddy,” and she was my “Baby” and “Mommy.” We were together through our first Valentines Day. On Thursday, February 19, we had another fabulous good talk, even discussing serious future plans again. It could not have been any better for me.. Then, suddenly on Thursday, February 20 (Friday, February 21 in the Philippines), this lovely and perfect dream seemed to begin to unravel almost as quickly as it began. I noticed a markedly different tone in her when we were talking. She said she was busy “working on a project.” She appeared very stressed, agitated, distracted and busy. She said some unusual things that did not sound like her at all. This did not seem like right or normal talk for her..for me. This was the first hint of trouble. The next night, Friday, February 21 (Saturday, February 22 in the Philippines), my first bubble was burst, and I was shocked and disappointed beyond belief, although I should have expected it. She all of a sudden gave me the “Can we just be friends?” line. She said it was because of “Family problems” and/or because she wanted to “Explore herself.” I assumed it was just because she was just not ready to get so serious as we had been talking. I sincerely assumed that I was still number one and highly in her heart, the way it had been going. We were still very close. We vowed to be “friends forever.” The talks soon began to slow down and become for simple, short and superficial. The goodness and the magic seemed to gradually be drifting away. I should have read between the signs and things she was posting on her Facebook wall, of things like “feeling excited” and “feeling good” and “waiting on your picture.” Those were in very early March. Then, on the evening of Tuesday, March 18 (midday Wednesday March 19 in the Philippines), my roof completely caved in to crush my spirits. She all of a sudden confided in me that she had a new boyfriend (for the past two weeks) and she had been slowing down her talking to “train me.” No wonder she had been trying to hook me up with someone else for a few weeks, preferably her cousin, and telling me that “I am not the girl for you.” She admitted to me that she had “called it off” (back then) because of this other guy she liked, or was beginning to like. This basically quickly led to the end of it all, a week of h-e-l-l for me emotionally, a very draining, bubble-bursting, empty and hopeless feeling..and the end of exactly two months of an absolute dream come true for me. I honestly thought I really had something for a change.. All I can cling to right now is a hope for another chance in another time and another place. I have not been in love like this in many years, nor hurting now like this in many, many years. That there, is my dream story come true..
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 15:49:27 +0000

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