MY UNDERSTANDING OF THE ESSASSANI - BASHAR´S CORE IDEAS: The Essassani – Bashar philosophy bases its understanding in what they perceive to be “THE FOUR LAWS OF CREATION” and all the understanding that comes from its logical development. Apart from all the previous understanding, there are several other concepts, which I will share later. My aim with this writing is to motivate people to consider the Essassani philosophy and the source of all this information, Bashar, because I find no human way to express things as he does. At the end, I am adding a list with links of some of his most representative videos. Another point prior to the writing is why I know this whole philosophy is different from the rest of the majority of all the esoteric, occultist, mystical, religious and metaphysical philosophies; IT IS VERY PRACTICAL AND PRAGMATIC INFORMATION, VERY POSITIVE, VERY CONSTRUCTIVE and VERY EXPANDING, and when applied in our daily lives, IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE. And why does it make a difference??? Because by understanding this information and carrying it in our hearts and minds constantly, or at least enough time, it really changes our way to understand Ourselves, Others and Life, and by changing our general understanding, WE CHANGE OUR ENERGETIC VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY, OUR ENERGETIC BEING, and by the Law of Attraction, the “3rd Law”, WE CHANGE OUR “OUTSIDE” WORLD. Easy, BY CHANGING OUR VIBRATION, OUR FREQUENCY, WE CHANGE THE REFLEXTION WE GET FROM OUR “EXTERNAL” WORLD. I am sharing this a bit more of depth in the “3rd Law” point. But not only that; By keeping this information in mind, We live our lives in a completely different way, because as I said before, the nature of this information is not only very positive, constructive and expanding, it is also very comforting. I will quickly explain this, very easy; It is not the same waking up thinking that this world is horrible and terrible. Waking up knowing that We are part of Life and Life loves us, that We all are sons of God, and just because of that, He/She/It loves and support Us absolutely and uncondicionally. IT IS NOT THE SAME!!! WE DO NOT BEGIN THE DAY AND LIVE OUR LIVES IN THE SAME WAY!!! For me, to live my life with one understanding or the other, really makes a clear huge difference. I prefer the honest, loving, positive, constructive and creative understanding of Me, Others and Life. What is shared here is a certain understanding based in the next principles, which ones will be explained in a bit more of depth: - WE EXIST, WE BELONG, WE HAVE ALWAYS DONE AND WE WILL ALWAYS DO. - EVERYTHING IS CONSCIOUSNESS, SPIRIT, ENERGY, A FREQUENCY. - WE ARE ONE WITH EVERYTHING, AND EVERYTHING IS ONE WITH US. - WE ARE ETERNAL, INFINITE AND ABSOLUTE POSIBILITIES. - WE ARE ABSOLUTELY & UNCONDICIONALLY LOVED & SUPPORTED BY EXISTANCE. - WHAT WE PUT OUT IS WHAT WE GET BACK (LAW OF ATTRACTION). - EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW NOW NOW. - EVERYTHING EXISTS; EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE VARIATION OF ANY REALITY. - WE ARE OUR OWN REALITY; OUR “REALITY” IS WHAT WE PERCEIVE OF IT. - THIS LIFE, ALTHOUGH UNIQUE AND VERY IMPORTANT, IS A BLINK OF AN EYE FOR OUR ETERNAL BEING AND SPIRIT. SO WE CAN RELAX. - THE WAY TO LIVE OUR LIVES IS BEING A WHOLE BEING, TRUSTING OUR OWN HIGHER MIND AND SPIRIT AND ACCEPTING EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS. But maybe, the most important thing that the Essassani philosophy shares is that IT HELP US TO TEACH OURSELVES TO DEVELOP A HONEST, LOVING AND VERY POSITIVE-CONSTRUCTIVE-CREATIVE ATTITUD TOWARDS ONESELF, OTHERS AND LIFE. I like thinking of an imaginary metaphor I really like… And there was a wise man who asked the Creator… What is the key of Llife, what can I do to be happy??? And the Creator answered… GET TO F@#%ING KNOW YOURSELF!!! (thyself) (((I just love it))) For the ones who are interested in these ideas, you can continue at Essassani - Earth Connection. Eduardo Essanae, Here & Now, Amsterdam, Autum 2013
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 16:05:49 +0000

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