MY UNIQUE MILK EXPERIENCE It is said that milk is an important - TopicsExpress


MY UNIQUE MILK EXPERIENCE It is said that milk is an important food. But I will say that the white produced by the mammary glands of mammals is nothing but a natural bliss of happiness. My experience of this unique substance started immediately I was cradled into my mother’s arm as her second son but third child in the family. Staring at me with such beautiful eyes gave me the assurance that I will be happy in this world. However, when all the dust must have steeled, I looked around and could merely distinguish what and what surrounded me. Inside the vast and well furnished hospital where I was born, I saw different things with distinct meanings. That kind of environment didn’t match the corner where I had been for the nine (9) months of stay in my mother’s womb. I felt a change in my system, I felt the need to open my mouth and express my unhappiness. Something I later came to know as “CRYING” was he only thing that enveloped the hospital. My mother looked up at me and murmured some strange languages which I couldn’t understand nor make a meaning out of it, my mouth was gulfed up with something tender and I just felt the need to suck. With a little pressure from my mouth, I tasted my initial love, protection, happiness and great fountain of joy. At that moment, nothing mattered again. Not the faces I couldn’t read, nor the objects I couldn’t connote. What mattered was that I have come to stay; with something I knew that I cherish, “My Mother’s Milk”. Taking it to the fullest, I knew within me that there is a lot to venture into in this world. A lot of adventures but the assurances still remain, “I have milk”. From that day onwards, I developed affection for milk. No wonder, my mother usually teases me by saying that I don’t mind from which mammary gland milk comes forth from, the milk is what matters. Nevertheless, the fondness for milk grew to an extent that when it was time to turn to solid food, it became an uphill task for me. Now, the question still stands; what can substitute my “Lost Treasure”. Powdered milk of various kinds served their purpose but no one could substitute the freshness of life; “Breast Milk” Life became generally sad for me, a long night of captivity. Seconds yielded to years, but none could match its sweetness. Recalling that joyous day-break when I was five and my mother brought a particular tin of milk. A Milk of which the vivid memory of men riding a canoe with tall trees nearby still lives with me. Sipping it for the first time, oh! Soaring back to that blissful moment when I was first given natural milk. I was afraid to face reality. I have found it, my “lost treasure”. There, the jangling discords that engulfed my total being turned into a beautiful symphony of happiness. The day came and passed, night came and soared in and I had a dream. A dream that sent shivers into the spine of a five year old. A dream in which a masquerade was chasing my classmate and he fell into a pit. I immediately awoke and wailed to the whole world. My parents rushed in and consoled me and with a few songs I drifted back to sleep. Venturing into school the next day, I seemed to have forgotten all about the incident with my school bag and a tin of milk in my hand, I strolled with my father and low and behold that same classmate came running out from the school gate. A parent with a car was driving in; with the flash-back and shock, I leaped up not knowing that my tin of milk went flying and into the vehicle. Hitting the key starter to its off mode and the vehicle just stopped. Looking at me with furious eyes, the driver stormed out immediately Chike got out. Now the whole expo was out and they realized that what happened has saved lives, property, pain and agony. There I knew that there are miracles waiting, new adventures that are near. And I also knew that I have milk to guide me as I go. Peak Milk to direct me. Venturing further into my experience, my primary school days came by. An irreparable storm stood in my way. I love being at the top. But from my first class in the primary level to about the fourth class, an Iroko stood in my way. Studying Chuka, his way and manner in order to beat him out of the top position proved abortive. Grief and Jealousy enveloped me. Yet I keep having dreams and enjoying my unique milk “Peak”. Seeking for a way to level the crooked bend in my path I ventured into the most the most shocking part of my life. There was my enemy friend taking my “unique milk” on his mother’s car. Then I knew that long fellow’s secret achieving success is now an open one. In addition, I decided to make a change never to go astray of Aristotle’s words “The roots of education are bitter but its fruits are sweet”. I decided on taking my ever flowing milk every day. Its liquid and powdered farm mixed together. Having super-imposed my energy rich milk coupled with hard work, I was bent on achieving my goal – Getting to the final results, I and Chuka were on the same footing until computer test results were released. I came top. Nwoke Ejila Ajula Ara ma imaara!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 19:50:49 +0000

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