MY YEAR IN REVIEW: In the very early morning of October 27, 2013, - TopicsExpress


MY YEAR IN REVIEW: In the very early morning of October 27, 2013, I went in to the ER as an emergency via the ambulance. I did not want to leave my parents behind as neither one of them drives. Fortunately, there was one person (Sung Woo Kim), who has never disappointed me and I will love for the rest of my life – my FAVORITE little brother, who came and picked my parents up to take them to the hospital. Waking up in the middle of the night bent over in pain and not being able to catch your breath is scary, scary, and not knowing what was going on was even scarier! Doctors didn’t know what was going on, nurses scattered around to try to comfort me as they were taking blood, and porters/technicians rushed to get me here and there for scans, x-rays, etc. The concern and the looks on my parents and Sung Woo’s faces was the last thing I remembered as I was going in to sepsis and somewhat a comatose state. I would be lying if I said I was not scared, but at that point, in time, if it was my time to die then that is the way it had to go, according to God’s plans. I remember waking up on the morning of October 28, 2014 being prepped for surgery. I vaguely remember Dr. Kolecki talking to me saying that things were going to be ok, that the surgery would not take that long, and that he would see me afterwards. When I woke up, I see the face of a woman who said she was my mother. . . . . .talk about SHOCKING! Then, the face of my father. I was relieved that I survived the surgery and glad to see my parents! I think I may have gotten “gang blood” on the first blood transfusion and then “thug blood” on the second transfusion! I cheated death and I often wonder why. What I do know is that: 1. I am grateful to be alive to have seen another birthday (can you believe 46?!?!). 2. The people in my life: My parents, Sung Woo Kim and his family, The Moons, The Sekula’s, Eileen Benton (aka Oh Beautiful One!), Amy Carlino-Flores, the Pilon’s, and the countless others who were there for my parents and I as I went through 2 months of painful recovery. I cannot thank you enough for being there! 3. Being able to watch the seasons change. 4. Being able to watch little people like Harper Sekula, Bella and Logan Pilon, my nieces and nephews, Amy and Carlos’s kids, and the rest of the little people I know grow. Funny how these short little people are at different stages in their lives but I love watching them in amusement. I think God’s plans were for me NOT to die that weekend a year ago. I am still not quite sure what my plans are for my life or what God wants me to do with the rest of my life. I am still working on it. I proudly wear a 10-inch scar down my belly and every time I rub it or scratch at it, I am, AGAIN, thankful to be alive. I love every one of you who have stayed in my life and been there when my parents and I needed you the most, even just to talk. The biggest disappoints in my life, though, is that there is so much hate, monetary value, ungratefulness, pain, no real sorrow for the fellow man, not being able to express yourself freely without being chewed up and spit out (there is an amendment that states freedom of speech!), bullying, racism, molesting, etc. One would think that these kinds of issues would not be quite as bad in the 2000s. It is sad that I live in a world like this. As I have been given a second chance to live, one day before I do actually go to be with God, when he does call me home, it is my hope that these will have been resolved and we can all live in a truly “wonderful” world!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 22:44:37 +0000

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