MYLES SAMPAS ELECTION QUESTIONS & OBSERVATIONS 1- At time guy Scott was calling for the Convention, there was already a substantive elected president and thus Scot had reverted to his portfolio as Vice President. Even with this one illegality subsequent steps taken also fail to meet required criteria. 2- The delegates where not given adequate time after (Illegal) notice and notice was by way of PA System in Kabwe alone 3- According to PF constitution the General Council Should have up to 500 delegates from each province putting a maximum number roughly at 4500 if we use the 2011 register before Muchinga became a province. If other delegates from the national executive and administration the numbers could be about 5000. However the GC that Voted for MS only had less than 1200 representing only 25%? This does not meet a quarum as stated in the PF Constitution which says that a quorum for all meetings will be 50% 4- Each presidential aspirant must meet the minimum requirement for nomination of paying K20,000 and 20 delegates from each province of Zambia totaling 200 delegates. If each candidate had managed to meet this criteria, I wonder how someone with 200 delegates supporting his or her nomination can get 4, 7 and 5 Votes??? I wonder! 5. A court order was served but ignored? 6. Accreditation was done in the night? 7. Make shift Party Chairman Munkombwe was appointed overnight to preside over a convention? 4. Aspirants officially withdrew from the race, something they did not do at Edgars Election.?
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 00:15:39 +0000

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