MYOPINION: Following the recent reports from South Sudan I kept - TopicsExpress


MYOPINION: Following the recent reports from South Sudan I kept thinking of this- first i had congratulated the move before they chickened-out and relaxed the rules. Being a young nation and with quite a population, that was the smartest move. Come to think of it, if our nation had done a similar thing, we would be having lots of jobs for the young and growing population. If my brain serves me right, during the reign of Idi Amin Dada, of Uganda, he gave the Indian people residing in the country 48 hours to leave the country. Although at the time it was not that smart, coz very few people could handle the business that was being left behind, currently Uganda is doing quite well. Our brothers in Tanzania, i have heard, that they have a tough policy on foreign investors wishing to invest in their country. Unlike Kenya where things are quite the opposite, sometimes I even argue that the foreign investor is given more incentives than the local ones, especially the young and rising. Some like the Indian, just like the Chinese, will come set up companies n employ their own, some (am afraid most), come when they are dandas and are given managerial positions. What South Sudan was trying to do, I think, was to increase employment to their citizens. Wish the same was done to Kenya, siting a recent example, with the making of the standard gauge railway line, we r looking forward to raising a chinese population. Why? if the Nairobi- Thika super highway is anything to go by, expect more Chinese children. Zimbabwe, a few years ago chased away all the Britain landowners who were still remaining in the country. The inflation in Zimbabwe is in triple figures unlike Kenya where its only in single figures, funny have you heard of strikes in Zimbabwe like we have in Kenya? I stand to be corrected, but in Kenya, its like a line up of strikes over basically everything. If the doctors r not striking, its the teachers or the universities deans, etc. In conclusion, it would be a pity for South Sudan to find themselves in the same predicament we are in, with the decree, they will not have like us, the Kenyan/Somalis or the Somalis/Somalis, where no one can tell the difference.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 09:52:47 +0000

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