MYSTERY OF TWO SHALL BECOME ONE: AGE DIFFERENCES IN MARRIAGE. One of the reason of late marriage is ignorance of the word of God. One of the ignorance is age difference in relationship. many wrongly believe that a Man must senior his wife in age and it will a a taboo for the lady to senior the man in age or both should not be the same age. Some one has said that age is just a number and maturity is not age. i believe that also. we have seen a man of over 40 years behave as a 25 years boy and so likewise a lady of 25 years may be mature in understanding as a man of 40 years of age. i have seen many ladies force to cut off relationship because they senior the brother with some few years despite they love each others. Many are afraid what their neighbor will say if they found out they senior their husband. but what is the word of God saying about age difference in relationship and marriage. The bible say THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE. God sees you and your mate as one. the moment you get marry to each other then there is not age difference between both of you anymore. TWO HAS BECOME ONE. your husband is not your senior neither your wife is your senior in marriage both of you are one but he is your head. when you get marry to your wife then both of you are the same in age in the sight of God. Your wife may senior you before you get marry but after marriage two of you become age mate either you senior your wife or your wife senior you marriage made you one in age. WHAT YOU SHOULD BE LOOKING FOR IN A MARRIAGE IS HAPPINESS. when you get someone that you think you love and you can be happy with him then age should not be asunder. BOTH OF YOU HAS BECOME ONE IN MARRIAGE. N.B. please choose what you wishes to believe, Iam not forcing my teaching on anyone here. YOU ARE FREE TO ACCEPT IT OR IGNORE IT. God bless you.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 10:37:18 +0000

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