MYSTERY SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY BY HENRY STEVEN KHOO on THE ANCIENT CHINESE YIN-YANG TERMINOLOGY & CONFUCIAN PHILOSOPHY through the Bible , Quran and Sacred Holy Books. Ancient Yin and Yang on Living Creatures. Part 1- Section 1. *I had done some intensive studies on living creatures to convince myself whether Ancient Chinese Yin and Yang is evil, barbarian, Satanic. I have this strong character to search for the TRUTH, once I have the found the truth, no one on earth including SATAN can change my mindset! *To my discoveries, I am shocked and amazed that indeed the Ancient Chinese Yin and Yang belongs to the CREATOR. So I hope all eyes and hearts from human being are to be opened to this ACCEPTANCE OF TRUTH! How I wish the living creatures can deliver all the messages of Ancient Chinese Yin and Yang and taught us the way to walk with ALLAH, the CREATOR!. *In my sharing, you will be amazed that Allah has already prepared mankind for such concepts of life fate cycles, luck pillars, migration, resurrections, networking (fellowship), charity (parasites) ,trance etc.. Unfortunately, we human beings are still debating and conflict with each other whether there is such future life resurrections. Indeed, we can even learn from ants and honey bee through my sharing on Ancient Chinese Yin and Yang- how they can thrive, how they contribute to the environment just like we human being of how to contribute to the global GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCTS and how the ants can even support the growth of frog population. Indeed it is amazing, Praise be to Allah for HIS WONDERFUL CREATION that we human being can learn from His creation in our daily life, in our business management, in our social relationships, in our RISK management, in our anticipation of unexpected CRISIS & PANICS, in our marketing and business developments etc.... I love you Allah- You are my Master and my GURU (Teacher) upon the face of this earth and the hereafter! AMIN Some provoking questions you may ponder and ask: Why living creatures hibernate? What are the type of hibernation? What do you meant by Torpor? In the Bible, is there an example of Hibernation for Human Kind? Is there any link with the Ancient Yin and Yang terms for Life Stages, Blessing & Cursing= Life Prosperity & Famine Cycle Periods etc? Let us explore together learning from one another as our Ancient Chinese Classical Teaching, we must learn to kick from the moment we came out from the mother womb till the day when we died To kick off our LAST BREATH (QI) and then put into a TORPID stage to AWAIT our Future Destiny to Heaven or to Hell depending on one moral conducts or one dishonest conduct! What are the “drawing lessons whereby we as human being can learn from Animals Hibernations= in their period of sustaining, famine, droughts and crisis in handling our UNLUCKY DAYS” Is there such things or events Unlucky fate for the living animals? Is there such things as UNLUCKY PERIOD, YEARS, MONTHS etc for the living creatures? Is there such things as “bad lucks”, emotional or stress etc for the living creatures? Do the living creatures respond to the moon (lunar) or solar (sun) energy, the star energies? What will you do during the Hibernation period= For me, I will upgrade myself, take up a skill courses to prepare myself during the drought or famine period to prepare for my BLESSED and GOOD FORTUNE Life Cycle to return. Also a time to restore, renew, search oneself for any of it CORE WEAKNESS. In the Holy Torah it is known as YEAST - Search you YEAST of LIFE! How to you respond as a human being to all these Hibernations, Environment, uncertain changes which are beyond Human Understanding and perhaps the CONTROL? Do you want to respond as a Positive and Strong Person (Yang): an overcome of life, positive and optimistic, as a restorer, as a renewal, as a Change Agent etc....? or Do you respond as a Negative Person (Yin), - a defeated person, a weak person, a FOOL, an idiot, an evil, being dishonest, immoral , a criminal, temptation to kill, a destroyer etc... The Choice is always Yours as the Creator give mankind the FREE WILL CHOICE. Unlike the poor living creatures whether they like or not they must ACCEPT the FATE that Allah has formulated the the template for them just like we human being make the formula for the Car that we drive, the car has to obey our HUMAN BEING instruction – the car cannot talk to us unless we drive wrongly then the Car disobey and CRASH! All these Ancient Yin and Yang, you can learn from Yi Ching or I-Ching or just refer to as Confucian HEXAGRAM - THE BIBLE OF CHANGE! * Definition/Purpose of Hibernation and TORPIDITY: Hibernation is the best known mechanism animals use to enter a dormant state so that they can avoid the SEVERITY OF COLD ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS. It is by no means the only one. In some humming birds, torpor which is known as torpidity can be thought of a s kind of NOCTURNAL HIBERNATION. * Humming Birds Humming birds have an exceedingly high metabolic rate because they feed mostly while they are in fight. They expend considerable amount of energy on feeding. Due to their small size, they are unable to store significant quantities of nutrients in their bodies. This does not cause any problem during the day time as long as the environmental temperature is normal. There is more than sufficient food in the form of flower nectar and tiny insects for the humming birds. Living without midnight sackes they cannot see in the dark to find food. Even if they can, the flowers close up at night and day flying insects conceal themselves. Yet because the environmental temperature falls at night. In order to sustain their high metabolic rate and body temperature the humming birds would actually need to eat more food at this time than during the day. Torpidity helps humming birds to survive cool nights when they are unable to feed. A sleep lasting from a night to several months help some animals to survive either cold or alack of food. Humming birds enter a torpid dormant state same to that of winter hibernation. During this time, their body temperature falls drastically by as much as 54 degree F 30 degree ce The next morning, once the environmental temperature has risen to its usual day time level again. the bird body temperature and they emerge from their torpor to resume their typical feeding activity. The effective physiological strategy is known AS HETEROTHERMY. * True Hibernating bird African mousebirds, swifts (especially nestlings) and swallow can become torpid for up to a few days at a time if necessary Generally during adverse weather condition when food is scare or can be unobtainable. Poor Will known as Phalaenoptilus nuttalli a noctural species closely related to nightjar. The poorwill is the only bird to known to hibernate for about 88 days per week. Shrews use torpid sleep to help them to survive harsh winters. They can become torpid for a time during adverse conditions. They can see and hunt food at night as well as the day and are even active during the winter. ***** To be continued ********
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 05:28:31 +0000

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