🔥MYTH BUSTER🔥 💥TIP TIME TUESDAY💥 Together.. The OLD Myth about Light concealer around the eyes or White colors.... Is about to be BUSTED! This has been a trend for decades now! As we know, trends come and go.... With good reason! Reason for this trend:: A light tone is used on the under eye area to create attention to the eyes. Hoping this made the Eyes the focal point on the face. What we have discovered NOW..... Concealer that is TOO light for your skin tone only adds 😿AGING🙀! YES... People are drawn to your eyes. Unfortunately they are drawn to the fine lines and are completely unaware of the BEAUTIFUL eye makeup you have applied! Pics---- Using a White Powder (Translucent Powder is fine)or Very Light Concealer in pics in enhance this look! The Talc in the concealer is Highlighted when a camera flashes on the face. Causing an OVER Concealed look and causing more attention to the MOST UNWANTED PART of the face.... The under eye! So what we have found...... Light Concealer Ages your eye area, distorts the appearance of a beautiful Eye application and causing a checker board look to the entire face! How to use Concealer Properly! Choose a concealer as CLOSE to your skin tone as possible. If you are a Pink undertone, your concealer should have the same undertone! ---This IMMEDIATELY corrects Talc flashing back in ANY pictures. Skin toned Concealer allows the face to flow with even colors to look as natural and part of you as possible. No big breaks in the color flow! Adding white or light colors to aging skin only ADDs to the aged look! Keep it skin toned so NOT to Highlight any aging and keep your skin looking silky smooth👶! For Dark Circles....... Use your skin toned concealer and add about 25% of the 🎊HIGHLIGHT PEN#3🎊 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Mix together and apply ON the DARK AREAS ONLY! KEY----- If you highlight a Dark Circle.... It may turn gray or with a greenish tint. Causing you to add a MASSIVE amount of concealer to hide! Lets NOT highlight the Dark Circle.... Lets NOT LIGHTEN the area.... Lets REMOVE THE DARK CIRCLE ALL TOGETHER! Once you have applied your concealer in the correct way.... Or removed your Dark Circles..... You now have the most YOUTHFUL, HEALTHY and BALANCED look With your concealer! NOW... Your eyes are the TRUE feature that NO ONE can stop gazing at!! Bat those beauties Ladies!! 💗Get with your Mary Kay Rep and MAKE SURE youre not applying the PROBLEM!! All my ❤
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 14:33:18 +0000

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