MYTHS ABOUT SOUTH SUDAN (SERIES) MYTH#2 Man, there’s so - TopicsExpress


MYTHS ABOUT SOUTH SUDAN (SERIES) MYTH#2 Man, there’s so much inaccurate information floating on Facebook that I am having hard time picking MYTH#2, but I thought you might want to stay the course and learn more about what other types of misinformation being spread on Facebook about President Kiir. I am sure you must have heard many South Sudanese referring to president Kiir as “illiterate, drunkard, unintelligent, or unqualified President”. This is a myth! President Kiir is just the opposite of these descriptions and calling him these names could not be further from the truth. President Salva Kiir maybe imperfect (just like all of us are), but there shouldn’t be any doubt on anyone’s mind that President Kiir is one of the most accomplished sitting presidents in the entire WORLD! Oh, yes! He is even more deserving to lead his nation than President Obama. How so? President Kiir is the only sitting president in the world who can claim that he was a 30-year freedom fighter who eventually led his people to the independence (president Obama or any other sitting president that I know of cant claim the same). If we (South Sudanese) arent honest enough to give president Kiir credit for leading our nation to independence in year 2011, then we cant blame Kiir for the shortcomings of his administration either since blaming or crediting a president is a two way street. It’s so amazing that we (South Sudanese) have quickly forgotten that President Kiir was entrusted the leadership role by the founder of our nation, Dr. John Garang De Mabior when he (Dr. Garang) appointed Kiir his Deputy among all possible SPLM cadres whom Garang could have chosen. Dr. Garang clearly knew that Kiir wasn’t holding a PhD or Master’s degree in Political Science (or whatever nonsense degrees out there), but Garang also knew that Kiir was an intelligent man with very high “EI” (Emotional Intelligence, this is different than “IQ”). Per English dictionary definition, “Emotional Intelligence is the ability to monitor ones own and other peoples emotions, ability to discriminate between different emotions and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior”. Certainly, Salva Kiir’s calm demeanor is indicative of his remarkable high EI. Now compare that with leaders of low “EI” like Dr. Riek who easily get excited and as a result lough/smile too much, or those leaders who get easily annoyed and cry too much like Pagan Amum. Salva Kiir also has the following credentials that rarely talked about on Social Media: 1. President Kiir is one of the founding fathers of the SPLM/A and a hero of our liberation struggle. 2. President Kiir is a graduate of prestigious Sudan Armed Forces Cadet in Khartoum, Sudan (an institution of higher education/college level). Then officer Kiir was subsequently appointed a prominent Military Officer in the Elite Intelligence Division of the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF), a handful of South Sudanese military personnel ever served in the Division. 3. President Kiir is a patriotic, humble, non-egotistical leader who puts the interest of the country first. As a result, he never turned his back to the SPLM/A over the period of 30 years since he joined the SPLM, you can’t say the same about many high ranking SPLM members. 4. President Kiir is a unifying figure who had once managed to integrate all South Sudan’s rivalry militia into one single SPLA, a momentous task that even Dr. John Garang could not accomplish. (The list of militia leaders whom he integrated includes: Paulino Matip, Peter Gadet, David Yau Yau, among others). President Kiir will soon reunify South Sudan under one umbrella once again. 5. President Kiir embarked on establishing the first government of the ROSS and his initial administration known as the most inclusive government South Sudan has ever seen. 6. President Kiir graciously welcomed back to South Sudan all politicians who had been opposed to the SPLM for decades (people like Dr. Lam Akol and many others) giving them (their political parties) various leadership role in the inclusive Gov’t of South Sudan. 7. Lastly but not least, President Kiir has recently managed to safeguard the constitution of South Sudan by defending the country against some rogue SPLM members who wanted to overthrow the Gov’t and take over the power through illegal means (coup detat) . President Kiirs military experience, intelligence, and his leadership were instrumental in restoring law and order in the capital city of Juba within days. If it wasn’t for Kiir prompt re-action, chaos would have overtaken the country and Riek Machar would have illegally taken over the power in South Sudan. 8. Thanks to President Kiir’s remarkable leadership, a lasting peace is on the horizon and South Sudanese will soon reunite and will all rejoice as one nation once again! Stay tuned for MYTH#3
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 04:24:04 +0000

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