MYTHS and LEGENDS IPPIKIN.......ROBBER KNIGHT of WENLOCK EDGE IPPIKIN the ROBBER KNIGHT.......lived during the 13th Century.... Some said he was the son of a knight....who had been disinherited.....for his cruelty....... IPPIKIN was not the kind of KNIGHT who darted about on a white charger....rescuing damsels in distress.....Gallant was not his style.....Raping and pillaging was more to IPPIKIN’s liking. IPPIKIN and his band of robbers were based in a cave on WENLOCK EDGE. According to LEGEND.... IPPIKIN was reputed to be endowed with supernatural powers that allowed him to renew his youth every 70 years or so. IPPIKIN and his men......terrorised the area from his base on WENLOCK EDGE. The cave was rumoured to be full of the gangs ill-gotten gains of gold and precious stones. No one would dare to go near the cave for fear of attack. During the time IPPIKIN and his gang were seemingly unstoppable in their escapades.....Until nature stepped she often does in these tales. One night IPPIKIN and his band were sheltering from a violent storm when a bolt of lightning struck the rock which overhung the entrance to the cave causing it to fall across the entrance.......This left IPPIKIN and his murderous band trapped inside. The LEGEND goes on to say..... Because of this IPPIKIN’s spirit still haunts the WENLOCK EDGE with his men. It is said that you can summon IPPIKIN’s sprit to standing on the cliff top above the cave. However if you should choose to do this make sure you are well tethered down..... For those who are foolhardy enough to challenge IPPIKIN........ By uttering the saying........”IPPIKIN IPIPKIN keep away with your long chin”. Will soon find out to their own cost.....when IPPIKIN rushes out and pushes them over the cliff edge to their deaths. IPPIKIN ROCK It’s not far from the village of EASTHOPE near the WENLOCK EDGE INN Just across the a wooded section of the WENLOCK EDGE where a steep cliff drops away to the valley lie’s the large outcrop called IPPIKIN ROCK. It is said that IPPIKIN used to wear a massive gold chain and the imprint from it is said to have been left on one of the rocks. Realistically this is more likely to be the imprint of a fossil.....a chain coral More from a result of WENLOCK EDGE’s the floor of a once sub-tropical sea. Pictures.... 1....IPPIKIN ROCK 2....The drop from IPPIKIN ROCK 3....WENLOCK EDGE INN
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 15:15:18 +0000

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