Ma Vuanita Minor and I had a monday ( NOT A GOOD MONDAY - TopicsExpress


Ma Vuanita Minor and I had a monday ( NOT A GOOD MONDAY EITHER!!!!) on a Wednesday. Im not going to go into huge detail but ill highlight the bad parts. #1- papa Richard Minor is in the Cardiac ICU unit of the hospital. Doing a bit better but still its worrisome and scary. #2- we came home for a couple hours because from 2-4 there is a resting time in the unit pop is in that there can be no visitors. Ma was up very early this morning so she was tired. I wanted her to lay down and rest for a while so I decided to go over and visit my aunty Dixie Collins. Its right across the street, what could happen u ask? Well.... a mailman in his truck that had just delivered aunt dixies mail that I was waiting to get for her. (IN PLAIN SIGHT I MUST ADD) Was, too busy talking on and looking at his phone to see me again right in plain sight. Almost ran me over. If I had not been paying attention to what he was doing, and jumped back he would have hit me with the front right side of his mailtruck and also would have run over my foot. I yelled excuse me to him and did not even bother to get off his phone. In fact he acted like nothing had happended and just somewhat speeding drove off. I did have time to grab the number off his truck. I know he saw me because before he drove off he looked right at me as if to say, oh shit. All I could think is what a way to set an example and also, make the usps look bad.. I kinda laughed after the fact but it really did piss me off. Seriously dude your a government employee. Pull your head out your ass. Idiot... #3- on the way back to the hospital from coming home to rest during a 2 hour non visiting period. I filled my cup up with ice, was going to fill it up with soda but decided to wait. (THANK FULL I DID THIS NOW) Ma takes the corner by our house a little sharp and the cup that was in the cup holder by the way. tilts over and spills all over my shoes. That was cold and totally woke me up. Ma and I both laughed. Her exact words.. I bet your thankful u decided to wait to fill your cup up. Yes ma, I was very much so thankfull. Lol. #4- go to take the pop cans cashed in and ma gets 70cents worth of pop cans in the machine and it quits says the bin is full. The other machine is taken of course and the man says, I called for someone to come fix that like 25 minutes ago and im still waiting. Ma of course said screw it. Went in to get the 70 cents. So ma didnt loose the ticket, there is literally 20 people in line at safeway and only 2 checkstands open. I said screw it 70 cents aint worth waiting an hour for. #5 - Trying to locate my dad Kevin Burns who came to visit pop tonight. It starts pouring down rain and the windshield wipers on the tahoe quit working. We find dad and start heading into see pop. (THIS IS WHERE IT GETS FUNNY) #6- Ma heads inside. I wait for my daddy so I can show him where pops room is. Im carrying 2 pillows, my purse and a flimsy plastic bag with a 2 liter of mountain dew and a 2 liter of 7-UP and a couple other thing. Now before I tell u what happens next u shuld know, ma tried to make it easier on me and said, let me put some of that 7-UP in this smaller bottle I have then, u dont have to carry both big bottles I decided nah its pouring rain, I dont want u standing in this rain ( SHE GETS SICK SO EASY) And getting all wet and cold. Ill just bring the bottle in and then u have it and u dont have to get wet. Just so u know, I shuld have listended. Back to the story. LOL. Im still waiting for dad but, dont want to stand in the rain. It really was pouring... so I see a covered area. So I start walking with my 2 pillows, cigarette in hand, trying to answer my phone and have the bag with the 2, 2 liters wrapped around my hand. There is a sweet little old lady standing under the covered area also. When...... drum roll please.... the side of the plastic bag rips open and the only bottle of 7-UP mom has drops on the ground, shakes up. The lid explodes off hits the door barley missing the DR. that was walking out. But, spews 7-UP all over my shoe, the nice ladys leg that was standing by me and, all over the nice understanding DRs Scrub bottoms. Like splashed all the way up to his knee. I almost bawled. Lol. The lady laughed and said, (EXACT WORDS) shit happens honey, looks to me like today is just not your day.. ya think lol. Now The Dr, after realizing what was all over his scrub bottoms. And I have apologized a million and one times to both him and the little lady. laughed very heartily and says to me. Sweetie, if u could only imagine what type of stuff has been splashed, projectiled, thrown, spilled, and smeared on me throught the years u would know, that a little splash of soda on me does not phase me one bit. But, I was a little worried when I walked out the door and almost got pelted in the face with a small but fast flying bottle cap. I laughed... my dad finally came and helped me carry everything inside. Lol. And I found the bottle cap inside the door. The DR. , was not joking if he would have been just a little more to the left when walking out the door (MABE HE SAW IT COMING AND SLIGHTLY SHIFTED) He really would have been pelted right in either the chest or the face. Thank goodness for small favors. Knowing my luck today, it would have flown in his mouth and I would have been arrested for trying to cause harm to someone through a high voltage flying pop bottle cap... hahahaha. Luckily for ma and I both the rest of the night went pretty smoothly. Got more 7-UP. Didnt drop it or spill it on me or anyone else this time. It was not raining when we drove home so the windshield wipers not working was no big deal. In fact, I even got a chance to pay it forward and help someone out tonight outide 7-11. Watched this nice ladys little dog while she was in the store. She had almost had her dog stolen once before and they wont let her take her dog in so, I watched the cute little guy whkle she was in the store. Its nice to pay it forward u never know when u are going to need it. So thank god for a good ending to a really rotten Monday in the middle of the week. And now that its taken me, an hour to write this post out. Lol. Good stories take time. Haha. I see its a new day. And I can feel the good vibes comming I and mas way. Now what would really make my day would to go to the hospital and have them tell ma and I that they are moving dad out of ICU today and onto one of the regular floors. I miss staying with him at night. Missing my dad bad. Want him healthy happy and home watching tv with ma and I at night. He is my tb buddy when I cant sleep. Thank god ma and I got eachother here. We would each be very lonely and a lil scared at night without eachother to hang out with. Im blessed with two amazing people that fill my life with joy. Love u both. And dad get better and get yur butt home with ma and I.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 08:19:01 +0000

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