Ma freen an his wife hiv been ettlin for a bairn for several - TopicsExpress


Ma freen an his wife hiv been ettlin for a bairn for several years. Sheila thocht she wis finally pregnant bit went tae the doctor tae confirm it afore tellin Stewart. The doctor hid been seeing her disappointment ower the years an dreaded tellin her ae mair time yon she wis nae wi child bit this time he keekat up fae the results smiling widely an telt Sheila she wis finally pregnant. “Oh yon’s fit rare doctor, I cannae wait tae tell Stewart fin he gets back fae his darg!” Passing his mobile he said “Phone him noo this braw news cannot wait.” On the third ring Stewart answered wi an “aye”. Wi much hoochin an yells i joy Sheila telt Stewart yon she wis gyan tae hiv his bairn. Aire wis silence on the other lowse an finally Stewart said a wary “Fa’s this?
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 09:15:23 +0000

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