Ma highlights a mesho (wa ku FMB) ndi Ellen (wa pa - TopicsExpress


Ma highlights a mesho (wa ku FMB) ndi Ellen (wa pa reception) Ellen: Tell me one thing, Henry. Mesho (Henry): Yes I am here... Ellen: That I will be the only woman in your life apart from your wife pa 30 September: Mesho (Henry): Bola osamandinamiza kuti I am with mum uku katundu wanga akudyedwa. KUTI MUWERENGE NOKHA. NAZI Mesho: Am in Limbe now 27/09/2014 15:47:25: Mesho: Aaaah, you are not answering 27/09/2014 16:44:45: Ellen: Mmh. Ndasiyana wit mum jus nw... Nwae am tekin a bus hom... Iwowo akupita ku party 27/09/2014 16:47:26: Mesho: So what do we do 27/09/2014 16:46:51: Ellen: I dnt kno... Nena 27/09/2014 16:48:47: Mesho: Am at Toyota me now. Where are you 27/09/2014 16:47:53: Ellen: Whr z totota? 27/09/2014 16:50:41: Mesho: Ukutukwanatu iwe, I said Toyota in Limbe, where are you 27/09/2014 16:50:47: Ellen: Hahahaha ma bad... Am goin to get bus ya chileka ... 27/09/2014 16:53:31: Mesho: Why, I thought we are supposed to meet 27/09/2014 17:03:11: Ellen: Kodi cnt u cum pa petroda? 27/09/2014 17:08:08: Mesho: Which petroda 27/09/2014 18:58:19: Mesho: Am home. Thanks for the good times 27/09/2014 19:09:52: Ellen: Glad u safe 27/09/2014 19:15:51: Ellen: Miss u 27/09/2014 19:18:46: Mesho: I miss you big time dear 27/09/2014 19:18:47: Ellen: Wat u doin? 27/09/2014 19:21:00: Mesho: Eating and watching news 27/09/2014 19:20:20: Ellen: Oky 27/09/2014 19:22:11: Mesho: Then shower and sleep. I sleep early on Saturdays as I am early on Sunday 27/09/2014 19:20:56: Ellen: Mmm oky 27/09/2014 19:23:07: Mesho: What are you doing yourself 27/09/2014 19:22:25: Ellen: Am,in bed... 27/09/2014 19:26:46: Mesho: Good. You need much rest. Uzikula!!! 27/09/2014 19:27:56: Ellen: Hahaha ndizikula?? 27/09/2014 19:30:45: Mesho: Eya, kuti uzinkira nkira kukoma 27/09/2014 19:32:19: Ellen: Hahaha oky... Bt promise me 1 thng 27/09/2014 19:34:47: Mesho: Ok, which thing is that 27/09/2014 19:35:45: Ellen: Tht u nt jus goin to use me. 27/09/2014 19:38:30: Mesho: Nothing like that. You are good and you deserve the best 27/09/2014 19:38:02: Ellen: Thanx... F u think v me tht way 27/09/2014 19:44:46: Mesho: True. Lets just remain true to each other as honesty, love and respect are some of the important things to me 27/09/2014 19:45:49: Ellen: Oky... Yes no problem wit tht.... Ndine mwana wabwino ** 27/09/2014 20:08:38: Mesho: Thanks baby. I will love you more and more 27/09/2014 20:12:22: Ellen: Sem here 27/09/2014 20:12:34: Ellen: Koma am scared 27/09/2014 20:28:02: Mesho: Of what 27/09/2014 20:26:44: Ellen: U hurting me 27/09/2014 20:29:35: Mesho: I cant hurt you my dear. You will see 27/09/2014 20:29:49: Mesho: Can I sleep now 27/09/2014 20:30:46: Mesho: Goodnight. Love you 27/09/2014 20:38:52: Ellen: Mmmh oky nyt... Lov u mo sweet dreams 28/09/2014 04:52:01: Ellen: Morning 28/09/2014 05:39:54: Mesho: Morning babe, just finished sports. Last night I was very tired and never responded to your msg 28/09/2014 05:39:54: Mesho: How are you this morning 28/09/2014 05:42:00: Ellen: Tx ayt 28/09/2014 05:42:04: Ellen: Am ok...hw u? 28/09/2014 06:03:13: Mesho: Am fine. Just discovered that there is a funeral at nebas place so am there now 28/09/2014 06:02:03: Ellen: Owh... Sorry 28/09/2014 06:08:48: Mesho: What are you doing 28/09/2014 06:08:06: Ellen: Basi ndangokhala.... Sundays r boring to me 28/09/2014 06:11:04: Mesho: Pepa, I wish I was there to give you company. I will be in the area this afternoon 28/09/2014 06:10:07: Ellen: Wish u wer ere too.... U will cum say hie? 28/09/2014 06:12:46: Mesho: yes I may come 28/09/2014 06:11:40: Ellen: Oky ** 28/09/2014 06:43:52: Ellen: Mmmm matama 28/09/2014 07:17:14: Mesho: Choka, ndinali ndi a neba kupepesa maliro 28/09/2014 07:16:05: Ellen: Oh oky... Haha 28/09/2014 07:23:22: Mesho: Kodi tikumana nthawi yanji? 28/09/2014 07:22:11: Ellen: Th maid akabwela. Sh said sakachedwa 28/09/2014 07:24:11: Mesho: Ok babe 28/09/2014 07:22:59: Ellen: So wassup nw? 28/09/2014 07:52:09: Mesho: Am home now. Need to take breakfast and then shave and clean my bedroom 28/09/2014 07:51:09: Ellen: Sunadye? Awww Oky thn 28/09/2014 07:53:58: Mesho: Sharp! 28/09/2014 08:23:52: Ellen: Miss u bby 28/09/2014 08:59:29: Mesho: Hey hey 28/09/2014 09:21:08: Mesho: Miss you too. Going to carry madeya feed 28/09/2014 09:20:30: Ellen: Oky... Wher? 28/09/2014 09:23:29: Mesho: Nancholi, didnt notice that you have put another photo. When was this. You looked gorgeous 28/09/2014 09:24:41: Ellen: Whr z tht? Thank u... Zulo mamawa bfo work 28/09/2014 09:48:55: Mesho: Ok. Nancholi is next to money men club 28/09/2014 09:48:17: Ellen: Ok. I stil dnt kno t 28/09/2014 09:51:38: Mesho: Will show you 28/09/2014 09:51:46: Ellen: Oky... Cnt wait... Eish today z sooo boring 28/09/2014 10:10:19: Mesho: Very hot as well 28/09/2014 10:09:21: Ellen: Good for swiming 28/09/2014 10:26:08: Mesho: Do you swim? 28/09/2014 10:58:03: Ellen: No.. Haha . I jus play in th water 28/09/2014 11:53:38: Mesho: Hey you are like me. I dont know how to swim 28/09/2014 11:52:41: Ellen: Hahah rly? Was opin i qid teach me 28/09/2014 11:52:52: Ellen: U wud teach me 28/09/2014 11:55:31: Mesho: I can teach you as I know the concepts 28/09/2014 11:56:22: Mesho: Koma kwathu kulibe pool. So where would I teach you without causing a scene 28/09/2014 11:55:45: Ellen: I dnt kno.. U thnk v wher tx safe 28/09/2014 11:58:18: Mesho: Outside Blantyre can be safe 28/09/2014 12:27:53: Ellen: Oky sure 28/09/2014 13:19:09: Ellen: Ukutani? 28/09/2014 16:04:42: Mesho: Hey babe, just done with escorting nebas on their funeral 28/09/2014 16:18:34: Ellen: Oky...hie 28/09/2014 16:21:27: Mesho: Am tired from the funeral and am home now with the boys 28/09/2014 16:22:12: Mesho: I have failed to make it there. My watsup was not even working 28/09/2014 16:20:40: Ellen: Oky... Nyc 28/09/2014 16:22:10: Ellen: Missed u 28/09/2014 16:25:06: Mesho: Missed you too. See you tomorrow 28/09/2014 16:33:56: Ellen: C u lav 28/09/2014 16:34:00: Ellen: Cnt wait 28/09/2014 16:51:39: Mesho: I cant wait too. Love you 28/09/2014 16:54:10: Ellen: Lov u more 29/09/2014 06:14:42: Ellen: 29/09/2014 06:40:59: Mesho: Hey dear. Funny clip 29/09/2014 06:41:53: Mesho: 29/09/2014 06:42:08: Mesho: You never shared this photo 29/09/2014 06:42:24: Mesho: Am jealousy 29/09/2014 07:57:26: Ellen: Awwww haha am shy... U wer stalkin me **** 29/09/2014 07:00:52: Mesho: I am well informed 29/09/2014 07:01:17: Mesho: Where was this and when was it 29/09/2014 08:07:28: Ellen: Bfo i strtd workin ere... At blntyre sports club 29/09/2014 07:09:43: Mesho: Uli bwino. Good day to you my dear 29/09/2014 08:09:17: Ellen: Oh u gonna b busy? Ayt good day 29/09/2014 07:11:13: Mesho: Yap, will be in and out of office most times today 29/09/2014 08:34:04: Ellen: Awww oky 29/09/2014 12:54:22: Ellen: MMMMMMHHHHH!!!!! 29/09/2014 13:10:24: Mesho: Nsanje amama. Dont worry about those women. They are no match 29/09/2014 13:22:22: Ellen: Kaya zako 29/09/2014 13:33:54: Mesho: Zanganso bwanji. Osadandaula. Love you lots sweet pie 29/09/2014 14:46:30: Ellen: Ine ayi ** 29/09/2014 14:59:05: Mesho: Bwanji, am feeling you 29/09/2014 15:12:29: Mesho: Matama eti? Ine ndikuti am feeling you 29/09/2014 16:35:05: Ellen: I tod u i get upset fast eti 29/09/2014 16:55:26: Ellen: Sukuyankhatu... Nyt 29/09/2014 17:07:55: Ellen: U av med me more mad!!! 29/09/2014 17:15:05: Mesho: Baby sorry I missed your calls, please answer my calls now 29/09/2014 17:16:52: Ellen: Am busy kaye 29/09/2014 17:18:22: Mesho: Abale tayankhani phone please. Am confused now 29/09/2014 17:19:04: Ellen: Cal 29/09/2014 17:24:12: Ellen: Kodi hu z tht lady hu cem ku office kwako in tha short dress? 29/09/2014 17:30:33: Mesho: Actually they were two of them and were all in short dresses. They are Yolanda and Patricia from Vale Ltd who are doing njanji for railways 29/09/2014 17:31:51: Mesho: Actually Patricia is an old college mate who is married to my friend Yamikani Nyambalo 29/09/2014 17:33:09: Mesho: I hope my lady has understood. Ndinawonatu kuti you were not happy thats why I came back to talk to you 29/09/2014 17:32:36: Ellen: Ndamva 29/09/2014 17:34:49: Mesho: Tell me you love me baby 29/09/2014 17:34:32: Ellen: Y dd u av to escot thm out? 29/09/2014 17:37:20: Mesho: Business etiquette demands so, they are giving us big business and they need to feel honored 29/09/2014 17:37:10: Ellen: Owo 29/09/2014 17:39:36: Mesho: Abale, khululukani. I understand your position but trust me on this one 29/09/2014 17:40:44: Ellen: Hw many big customers cum to ur office? nde y escoth thm only? cz thy r ladies?? Kapena thy r betta thn me? i dnt thnk so... Nwae Ur a big boy u kno wat u doin.... 29/09/2014 17:48:18: Mesho: Several times I do that. Its just that you dont see it and this time we met. I have already said they cant match you in whatever way. I will talk properly when we meet in person. Usavutike ndi azimayi babe 29/09/2014 17:47:52: Ellen: K 29/09/2014 17:55:20: Mesho: Abale zatha basi. Dont be mad my love 29/09/2014 18:19:56: Mesho: Goodnight. I see you are so mad at me 29/09/2014 18:20:08: Ellen: Cnt pik up cz v am wit mum 29/09/2014 18:22:56: Mesho: Ok, understood 29/09/2014 18:29:45: Ellen: Tel me 1 thng 29/09/2014 18:29:54: Ellen: Henry 29/09/2014 18:31:49: Mesho: Yes am here 29/09/2014 18:31:16: Ellen: Tht am goin to b th only gal in ur lyf apart from ur wyf 29/09/2014 18:36:26: Mesho: You have my assurance on that one. You are and you will be the only girl in my life. You have all the qualities of a nice lady and I dont need extras 29/09/2014 18:37:19: Mesho: You are making me happy and I cant afford to disappoint you 29/09/2014 18:57:59: Ellen: Thanx 29/09/2014 18:56:54: Mesho: Ndiye sukuyankha bwanji? 29/09/2014 18:58:37: Ellen: I wil hate u fo th rest v my lyf f u decide to disapoint me 29/09/2014 19:00:11: Mesho: Want a shower now. Can I call you after that? 29/09/2014 18:59:45: Ellen: Oky u cn 29/09/2014 19:01:10: Mesho: Thanks sweetheart 29/09/2014 19:36:05: Ellen: Mmmm ndigonatu 29/09/2014 19:41:31: Mesho: Ur line is busy 29/09/2014 19:50:34: Mesho: 30/09/2014 02:03:05: Ellen: Hahaha ****** smh 30/09/2014 12:48:31: Mesho: Good morning sweet pie 30/09/2014 12:54:57: Mesho: You were awake this time 30/09/2014 12:58:56: Mesho: Why were you shy when I was talking to you in Ellens office 30/09/2014 12:59:15: Ellen: I wasnt shy 30/09/2014 13:00:01: Ellen: I just wsnt smilling 30/09/2014 13:01:42: Mesho: Sure, I like it when you look me in the eye and you werent doing that there 30/09/2014 13:07:30: Mesho: Why were you not smiling 30/09/2014 13:08:02: Ellen: Ah ndaboweka... 30/09/2014 13:09:44: Mesho: Ndichaninso abale? 30/09/2014 13:14:10: Ellen: Mmm ayi tx nufing... Jus mi n my mum eish 30/09/2014 13:23:19: Mesho: Bwanji, we need to talk about that properly 30/09/2014 13:23:19: Mesho: Love you lots 30/09/2014 13:23:38: Ellen: Tx nun bg koma 30/09/2014 13:27:52: Mesho: Ok thanks. I dont want to see you down. I like seeing you smiling and showing me those dimples 30/09/2014 13:27:32: Ellen: ** 30/09/2014 13:46:44: Mesho: Kupenga uku, ndiye Chani chimenecho? 30/09/2014 13:51:54: Ellen: Hahah kupenga kuti? 30/09/2014 13:55:07: Mesho: I think I have just missed you. Let me know before you leave today 30/09/2014 14:19:30: Ellen: Oky 30/09/2014 14:59:48: Ellen: Am dun 30/09/2014 15:01:55: Mesho: Ok, let me call you now 30/09/2014 15:01:13: Ellen: Oky.... 30/09/2014 15:05:31: Ellen: Ndapita 30/09/2014 17:27:11: Ellen: Hello 30/09/2014 16:29:35: Mesho: Hi babe. Are you home now 30/09/2014 17:29:58: Ellen: Nop. Bt am on my way... Wer u? 30/09/2014 16:31:06: Mesho: Am still in office. Why are you still not home up to now 30/09/2014 16:31:29: Ellen: Bae pajatu kwathu kutali 30/09/2014 16:53:03: Mesho: Pepa ndinaiwala. Where are you now. Me still busy with Akim in credit 30/09/2014 17:17:37: Ellen: Am hom nw... Owh oky... 30/09/2014 17:17:42: Ellen: Pepa 30/09/2014 17:19:46: Mesho: Ok cheers 30/09/2014 17:19:44: Ellen: Upita wat tym? 30/09/2014 17:23:13: Mesho: Am leaving now for home. Was actually calling you 30/09/2014 17:24:18: Ellen: Ya kungoti am wit mum... Eish smh... Ths woman 30/09/2014 17:39:08: Mesho: Bola osamandinamiza kuti am with mum uku katundu wanga akutha 30/09/2014 18:10:19: Ellen: Hahahaha no... Call 30/09/2014 19:08:06: Mesho: Ndanyanyala 30/09/2014 20:14:05: Mesho: Goodnight. I see you are asleep. I love you 01/10/2014 01:11:06: Ellen: Yah i slept 01/10/2014 01:16:03: Ellen: Koma ndazukano.. 01/10/201407:08:47: Mesho: Ineno ndinali ndikugona. What do you do at 3 am 01/10/2014 07:09:58: Ellen: I wake up to study 01/10/2014 08:11:17: Mesho: Good gal. Now you called me, watsup 01/10/2014 08:12:39: Ellen: Thnx... Basi jus wanted to say hie 01/10/2014 08:15:32: Mesho: Thanks bae, I feel loved 01/10/2014 08:15:55: Ellen: ** 01/10/2014 08:24:49: Ellen: Miss u 01/10/2014 08:51:34: Mesho: Miss u too 01/10/2014 08:52:26: Ellen: Ukutani? 01/10/2014 09:43:50: Mesho: Am in a meeting with customers, bwanji? 01/10/2014 09:48:25: Ellen: Jus askin 01/10/2014 09:52:09: Mesho: Thanks for asking, it means you care 01/10/2014 10:07:10: Ellen: ** wit o my heart 01/10/2014 10:18:33: Mesho: Choka, usanditotese 01/10/2014 10:18:45: Ellen: Hahahaha koma mwana uyu **** ... Ok ndasiya 01/10/2014 10:19:24: Mesho: With those lips as it reminds me how soft your lips are 01/10/2014 12:11:57: Mesho: Ndiye kuti ndufuna ujeni!!! Am so horny today 01/10/2014 12:12:31: Ellen: Mmmmm y r u horny? 01/10/2014 12:14:31: Mesho: Yes bae, ndiye zitheka? 01/10/2014 12:27:53: Ellen: awww too bad am on my period bae 01/10/2014 12:37:26: Mesho: Aaaaah, yayambanso liti abale 01/10/2014 12:42:48: Ellen: Haha zulo mazulo... Sorry 01/10/2014 12:44:36: Mesho: Period yausilu iyi, osadikira zoona!! Then I think I need to avoid you to avoid doing something stupid 01/10/2014 12:44:53: Ellen: Mmmmh lol 01/10/2014 12:50:52: Mesho: The way I am today nditha osalimba amwene. So when do you finish it 01/10/2014 12:52:24: Ellen: Haha pepa... I do it for six days 01/10/2014 12:54:24: Mesho: Eeeeeh, thats too much. I thought you would come and sleep at my house on Saturday. Ine ndiye ndizapanga basi. Ubwino wake kuli shower 01/10/2014 12:55:50: Ellen: Hahahahahhaa z tht ok kupanga while am on my period? Mmmh th problem z ndimapanga kwambili n tx so uncomftable... Lyk ryt nw i dnt feel propa to sit pa counter cz ndikuona ngati i wil spoil on myself... Ndangokhala in th bathroom 01/10/2014 12:58:21: Mesho: We will see as it may not be intense on Saturday night. If we are to count from yesterday 01/10/2014 12:58:43: Ellen: Oky thn.... 01/10/2014 12:58:48: Ellen: Wat u up to? 01/10/2014 12:59:47: Mesho: I will knock off early and travel to the farm this evening 01/10/2014 13:08:28: Ellen: Mmmh ok 01/10/2014 13:19:42: Mesho: We can go there together when we knock off 01/10/2014 13:36:23: Ellen: Oky thn... Was waitin fo u to say tht ! ** 01/10/2014 13:38:31: Mesho: Umandiyesa eti, ndikakubonza kumeneko 01/10/2014 13:46:29: Ellen: Hahahah eeehhh bt am bleeding kwambili 01/10/2014 13:50:42: Mesho: No, I will wait as I need to have quality time with you 01/10/2014 14:24:53: Ellen: Oky ** 01/10/2014 14:34:12: Mesho: Ndiye wavala skirt ya white while doing period 01/10/2014 14:35:21: Mesho: Ngati za ulemu kundipatukira kuti ndidutse, when this evening will be 0 inches apart 01/10/2014 14:35:28: Ellen: Ndipo mmmh 01/10/2014 14:48:13: Ellen: Hahahahahah eya ndine mwana wa ulemu 01/10/2014 15:02:51: Mesho: Good, thats a good approach 01/10/2014 15:34:47: Ellen: Wer we goin to mit? 01/10/2014 15:35:49: Mesho: Same place, stadium is good for me 01/10/2014 15:54:04: Ellen: Mmmh ok... Koma i av to get som staff in town 01/10/2014 15:57:06: Mesho: Where, can I call you? Now 01/10/2014 15:57:15: Ellen: Ya call 01/10/2014 19:42:29: Mesho: Am home now 01/10/2014 20:09:08: Ellen: Oky nyc 01/10/2014 20:17:09: Mesho: What are you doing 01/10/2014 20:17:23: Ellen: Basi ndangokhala thnkng,...u? 01/10/2014 20:18:28: Mesho: Am enjoying this thing bae. I want to go take a shower now 01/10/2014 20:20:03: Ellen: Oky. U wil tel mi wen u dun 01/10/2014 20:21:06: Mesho: Ok sweetie, missing you already 01/10/2014 20:20:56: Ellen: Miss u too 01/10/2014 20:49:11: Mesho: Am bak 01/10/2014 20:49:18: Ellen: Hie 01/10/2014 20:53:19: Mesho: Now tell me, what were the ppl saying about those ladies who came to my office dzana 01/10/2014 20:54:05: Ellen: Ayi sinddinena... Dnt want u to b hatin pipo juc am telin u staf 01/10/2014 20:55:10: Mesho: Dont tell me names, just say what was said 01/10/2014 20:58:06: Mesho: Tulotu ili!!!!! 02/10/2014 03:04:58: Ellen: Akuti umayenda ndi okuda uja 02/10/2014 03:05:04: Ellen: I was hurt 02/10/2014 06:07:17: Mesho: Zonama izi mama. Ine ndimayenda ndi inu 02/10/2014 06:08:59: Ellen: Does sh cum kwambili ku office kwako? 02/10/2014 06:15:12: Mesho: Actually its surprising as that was the first time those people came to my office 02/10/2014 06:15:22: Ellen: Mmmh oky... 02/10/2014 06:16:47: Mesho: I use to deal with Vale men and its the first time I am dealing with those ladies much as one of them is an old friend 02/10/2014 06:45:56: Ellen: Ok chabwino 02/10/2014 06:46:01: Ellen: Morning 02/10/2014 06:48:32: Mesho: Good morning sweetie pie 02/10/2014 06:49:29: Ellen: R u oredy ere? O u hom? 02/10/2014 07:13:28: Mesho: No, I have been to meetings at head office. Coming now 02/10/2014 07:19:20: Ellen: Oky 02/10/2014 07:38:10: Mesho: In office now 02/10/2014 07:48:07: Ellen: I saw u 02/10/2014 07:49:46: Mesho: You are peeping on me eti 02/10/2014 07:51:11: Ellen: Hahahah i jus saw u ukuyenda up thr ** 02/10/2014 08:10:53: Mesho: Love you babe 02/10/2014 08:12:08: Ellen: Love u mo 02/10/2014 10:08:08: Ellen: Today ukupanga matama? 02/10/2014 10:27:09: Mesho: Am very sick, come and see me 02/10/2014 10:35:03: Mesho: I used to be asthmatic when I was young and when the weather changes abruptly like this while I have flu, I get really sick 02/10/2014 10:35:30: Ellen: Awww paja u sik ... Sorry... I will cum 02/10/2014 10:48:42: Ellen: Am worried ** 02/10/2014 11:07:51: Mesho: Worried about what 02/10/2014 11:12:34: Ellen: About u... Mmmh i dnt lyk t tht ur sick ** 02/10/2014 11:14:27: Mesho: I will be fine baby dont worry 02/10/2014 11:17:59: Ellen: Mmmh oky... Plz drink med 02/10/2014 11:25:08: Mesho: Yap, will do that. Gone home now 02/10/2014 11:47:04: Mesho: 02/10/2014 12:21:39: Ellen: Oky bby rest... 02/10/2014 12:22:49: Ellen: Hahahahah koma nde s40 02/10/2014 12:24:26: Mesho: Eya, am in bed now resting 02/10/2014 12:31:12: Ellen: Gud ** 02/10/2014 16:13:22: Mesho: Hi where are you. Am going to office now 02/10/2014 16:54:35: Ellen: Hie hie 02/10/2014 17:06:30: Mesho: Hi babe, are you home now 02/10/2014 17:07:08: Ellen: No... Bt almost... Am wit mum,sh piked me up 02/10/2014 17:08:44: Mesho: Ok love 02/10/2014 17:09:32: Mesho: Will sleep early today as I need to rest more. Will be asleep by 8 02/10/2014 17:18:34: Ellen: Awww oky 02/10/2014 17:47:20: Ellen: Bae!! 02/10/2014 17:47:48: Mesho: I want to get well soon for a Saturday drink up 02/10/2014 17:48:07: Mesho: Bwanji 02/10/2014 17:49:18: Ellen: Hahahah tamuonani lol ** 02/10/2014 17:49:24: Ellen: U nt txtng bae 02/10/2014 17:53:19: Mesho: I thought I have just texted you 02/10/2014 17:55:58: Ellen: Nwae ukutani? 02/10/2014 17:57:22: Mesho: Almost sleeping now. In bed. Mankhwala amene ndamwa ngopatsa tulo 02/10/2014 17:59:17: Ellen: Oh oky bae 02/10/2014 18:01:15: Mesho: Paja tikumagona osasazika. Goodnight, I love you, that is, if I sleep abruptly 02/10/2014 18:02:42: Ellen: Haha ndimakhala ndatopa kwambili... Am drinking gin... Awww love u mo bby... 02/10/2014 18:02:54: Ellen: Today u wer smilling at me.. 02/10/2014 18:04:05: Mesho: Were you charmed by my smile 02/10/2014 18:03:57: Ellen: Yes .... 02/10/2014 18:04:33: Mesho: Gin and what 02/10/2014 18:07:10: Ellen: Gin yekha 02/10/2014 18:10:31: Mesho: You dilute with what 02/10/2014 18:19:43: Ellen: Lime... Koma panopa am tekin t plain 03/10/2014 05:39:51: Mesho: Hey bae, missed your call last night. Am better today and will pop into the office at 9 am 03/10/2014 05:55:18: Ellen: Oky... Cnt wait to c u 03/10/2014 06:36:51: Mesho: Sure sweet, missing you. Is the plan on tomorrow 03/10/2014 07:08:25: Ellen: My mum z tripin cz antchito apita ku mudzi 03/10/2014 07:14:14: Mesho: So what will happen 03/10/2014 07:17:19: Ellen: Mmmh th thng analola kale koma nw antchito wo angosanzika today kuti mwana wadwala 03/10/2014 07:42:06: Mesho: Ndiye titani. I will take your suggestion on this as you are the one who knows better 03/10/2014 08:08:20: Ellen: Mmmh ayi iweyo tanena 03/10/2014 08:10:13: Mesho: I thought we could hang out for some time in the evening and afterwards drop you at your place 03/10/2014 08:29:40: Mesho: Why didnt you just pop in to say hello. You could just tell Thoko you wanted to see me 03/10/2014 08:37:24: Ellen: Like wat tym? 03/10/2014 08:37:39: Ellen: Awww sorry...ndibwela to c u oky 03/10/2014 08:38:42: Mesho: You say it, what is the latest time you need to be back home 03/10/2014 08:39:02: Ellen: Eh th way kulibe wantchito ndekuti ma 9 o 10 03/10/2014 08:40:37: Mesho: Ok, thats fine, from what time do we meet 03/10/2014 08:48:17: Ellen: Around 4 ... I wanted to go ku saloon nde mwina f i go 03/10/2014 08:50:18: Mesho: Thats fine. We will link up around 4 and start drinking. 03/10/2014 08:50:48: Mesho: Bola kusazizire kwanbirinso mawa 03/10/2014 09:04:20: Ellen: Oky... Eya bola 03/10/2014 09:07:50: Mesho: Chifukwa kukazizira kwambiri, it would not be ideal for drinking 03/10/2014 09:10:14: Ellen: T wil,...haha... 03/10/2014 11:03:43: Mesho: Bae, kufatsa kumeneko. 03/10/2014 11:04:23: Mesho: You look cute today 03/10/2014 11:04:35: Ellen: Lol ndine ofatsa 03/10/2014 11:04:38: Ellen: Thank u 03/10/2014 11:07:04: Mesho: I like you in that quiet ness. None would guess our moves. Koma ndimaopa Miriam, I just feel she suspects that we flirt 03/10/2014 11:10:39: Ellen: Hahahah ayi sh cnt cz sh xpects me to tell her evrythng... N actualy sh thinks u like her 03/10/2014 11:14:09: Mesho: Oh my, thats why she blushes when am talking to her. Nanga when I call you and youre with her then you answer likeam with Miriam she says its who talking 03/10/2014 11:18:53: Ellen: Aahahaha ndekuti u show her kuti u lyk ha... Ah i jus tela kuti my guy... 03/10/2014 11:22:12: Mesho: Ok, I dont show her that I lyk her. I just observed that today that she was blushing. But yesterday when she came to my office she lovingly pushed Akim who was also in my office and I thought they are clicking 03/10/2014 11:47:59: Ellen: Mmm oky 03/10/2014 11:48:14: Ellen: N sh toks,.. Eh about u... 03/10/2014 11:49:35: Mesho: Dont say that! What does she say 03/10/2014 12:04:14: Ellen: Staff... I jus listen ine... Bt tx kul 03/10/2014 12:21:11: Mesho: Stuff like what babe 03/10/2014 12:49:45: Ellen: Henry ths... Henry called mi to his office... Henry said tht to me... Eh 03/10/2014 12:49:50: Ellen: Bt tx fyn 03/10/2014 13:22:09: Mesho: Thanks that you are matured. I never knew that till now. Coz if you were immature you could have just said Henry was inside me last night 03/10/2014 13:22:19: Mesho: Hahahahaha!!!! 03/10/2014 13:46:33: Ellen: Hahahahah choka ** 03/10/2014 13:56:53: Mesho: But she is a good friend to you and dont lose her. I already chose you anyway so I cant start thinking about her. 03/10/2014 14:29:08: Ellen: Ok 03/10/2014 14:30:23: Ellen: Bae u said u will gv mi money fo my hair.... Dnt feel bothered ** 03/10/2014 15:04:58: Mesho: Oh sorry I forgot, paja ndi 10 pin eti? 03/10/2014 15:08:37: Ellen: Yah... Koma dnt feel. Bothered 03/10/2014 15:14:40: Mesho: No, let me go and get it now from ATM. So how do I give you 03/10/2014 15:15:28: Ellen: Oky thank u... Mmm u cn jus put t ka mu envlop n wil cum get t basi 03/10/2014 15:16:13: Mesho: Ok 03/10/2014 15:43:05: Mesho: Come and get 03/10/2014 15:43:35: Mesho: Come like u r photocopying 03/10/2014 15:44:28: Ellen: Oky 03/10/2014 15:53:19: Mesho: Going now 03/10/2014 15:54:48: Ellen: Inenso ndikumapita... Thanx alot bae 03/10/2014 15:55:51: Mesho: Cheers, its a pleasure 03/10/2014 15:56:01: Mesho: Will talk later 03/10/2014 15:55:49: Ellen: Lav u 03/10/2014 15:56:43: Mesho: Love you too bae 03/10/2014 16:05:05: Ellen: ** 03/10/2014 16:15:50: Mesho: Keep that for tomorrow!!!!! I will need it so much 03/10/2014 16:15:55: Ellen: Haha oky bby... Tizapita kwanu? 03/10/2014 16:19:53: Mesho: Most likely as we cant be anywhere public. We may hang out somewhere then go home 03/10/2014 16:19:52: Ellen: Oky thn...kul 03/10/2014 18:39:34: Ellen: Hey 03/10/2014 18:41:07: Mesho: Bae, my battery is low and am discovering that I have left the cable in the office. So very few chatting tonight on watsup as data requires good power 03/10/2014 18:44:05: Ellen: Mmmh ok 03/10/2014 18:59:19: Mesho: And initially I was calling to say that but you could not be reached. I guess its the usual tnm issues 03/10/2014 18:59:36: Ellen: Network ndekuti 03/10/2014 19:03:51: Mesho: Love you baby, looking forward to good time tomorrow and lots of chatting 03/10/2014 19:03:56: Ellen: Sem ere... Love u more 04/10/2014 10:45:33: Mesho: Hey love, am online now. Mr. Mofolo had to bring me a cable for charging which I forgot yesterday 04/10/2014 11:00:09: Ellen: Oh oky... 04/10/2014 11:02:38: Mesho: So whats up? Where are you 04/10/2014 11:17:42: Ellen: Am stil lafing wat u said...hahahah **** 04/10/2014 11:22:27: Mesho: Its crazy true but thats how you were sounding. As if ukutchima hehehehehehe 04/10/2014 12:20:03: Ellen: Hahahahahah ******** 04/10/2014 16:14:15: Ellen: Mmmh stil nt dun 04/10/2014 16:18:47: Mesho: When are you finishing 04/10/2014 16:18:47: Ellen: Mmm i dnt kno, nde my mun z tripin 04/10/2014 16:22:00: Mesho: So what do we do? 04/10/2014 17:56:43: Ellen: Share airtym 04/10/2014 18:38:07: Ellen: Henry kamowa.. I miss u
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 20:43:29 +0000

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