Maaaah! So, I hate this awkward place Im in so much. Im very - TopicsExpress


Maaaah! So, I hate this awkward place Im in so much. Im very comfortable publicly saying Im a feminist and hey dude, dont be a dick, be a feminist to my fellow men. But how, as a man, do I convey to women, WOMEN, who should be the biggest embracers of feminism, that theyre wrong to shun the word and should accept the word and the movement? It feels majorly awkward to see the strong, smart women around me play the whole Im not a feminist or anything, but... card. But I have never been a woman, and for all my Mary Wollestonecraft readin, and my firm belief that men and women at their essences are the absolute same, isnt it the height of arrogance and mansplaining on my part to tell a woman to do something for her own good, or what I perceive to be her own good? Maybe I should just post this article on Facebook and shut the hell up? jezebel/the-many-misguided-reasons-famous-ladies-say-im-not-a-1456405014
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 14:44:27 +0000

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