Maalik bin Dinaar (r.a.)’s Repentance on 15th Sha’baan - TopicsExpress


Maalik bin Dinaar (r.a.)’s Repentance on 15th Sha’baan Maalik bin Dinaar (rahimahullah) was one of the renowned pious men of his time. In his early life, he was not a pious man, and when someone asked him how he came to repent of his sins and abandon his evil ways, he related the following story about himself: I was a policeman in my youth, and was addicted to wine. I drank day and night and led a care-free life. I bought a beautiful slave girl whom I loved most dearly. I had a daughter from her, and I was very fond of her. When this baby daughter began to walk and talk, I loved her all the more and she was very fond of me as well. The innocent child had a strange habit. Whenever she saw a glass of wine in my hand, she would snatch it away and spill it on my clothes. Being fond of her, I did not scold her. As fate would have it, my innocent child died when she was two years old and I was stunned with shock and heart-sore. On the 15th night of Sha’baan, which happened to be the night of Jumu‘ah as well, I was dead drunk and went to sleep without performing my ‘Esha Salaah. I had the most horrible and terrible dream, in which I saw that it was the Day of Resurrection with men coming out of their graves, and being driven to the place of assembly. I was also one of them. Suddenly I heard the noise of something following me. Looking back I saw a huge snake chasing me, close behind. Ah! It was a most horrible sight, the snake had blue cat-like eyes, its mouth was wide open and it was rushing towards me most furiously. I ran faster in terror, desperate for my life, the horrible snake still running after me and drawing closer. I saw an old man, dressed in elegant clothes, with rich perfumes wafting all around his person. I greeted him saying: “Assalaamu ‘alaikum” and he returned my greeting. I said: “For the Sake of Allah, save me.” He said: “I am too weak to help you against such a mighty enemy, it is beyond my powers. But you must go on running.......
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 21:47:00 +0000

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