Mabave abanendlebe zova.uyathetha lobhuti yhoo.Status Update By - TopicsExpress


Mabave abanendlebe zova.uyathetha lobhuti yhoo.Status Update By Mike Maile I am not going to judge Senzo and Kelly. As an African, it would also be wrong for me to speak ill of the departed. I have no right to say their relationship was right or wrong. I am no paragon of morality and will not judge. However, there is an issue that has been bugging me that I want to talk about. Statistics point to the fact that divorce amongst black people has been in the increase since 1994. From my observations, black brothers meet a genuine, beautiful and lovely lady that sweeps them off their feet. She remains the apple of their eye until they make money or get power. They get exposed to women who wear make up, expensive branded clothes and drink champagne. They suddenly, feel that their wives are backward and do not fit in with their new found social profile. It is my considered opinion that, the woman you are with defines you as well as what you truly want. You saw her, dated her and thought she was the perfect one out of all the women you met, hence you married her. The petite, English speaking, champagne sipping size 28 that drives you mad did not contribute to your growth. The woman that you now find backward, that is after impregnating her five times, was there from day one. She might not be the brightest spark, but she ironed your shirt when you went to that first presentation, she served you food and consoled you after you did not get that first deal. She cooked for you again and organised a celebration after you clinched yor first deal. She put the kids to bed whilst you were out hustling. She cooked whatever was in the fridge and made an attempt to make it taste it good before you got the MONEY that now makes you feel like the man. She did not shout, but instead took out the last R500 she had saved when you did not have petrol money to get to your next appointment. This is the woman who had to tolerate you when you hit the bottle out of frustration when the first, second and third deals did not materialise. You swore at her. Slept with your back facing her. You were frustrated and took it out on the poor woman. She could have walked, but chose to stay and support you all the way. She is not alone. There are many like her. You are no exception, either. Many like you used women like her and developed a new taste or liking for women. The fact that size 28s throw themselves at you because of your new found wealth and or power, does not help. Unless you know who you are, you will get lost in this confusion. I have not done the research, but I swear that these divorces come about as a result of us, men, changing because of new found fame and power. I have just defined a trophy wife for you. Many have destroyed their lives as a result of losing of focus. I am saying or insinuating on Kelly. All I am saying is that the woman you first fall in love with and decide to marry is the one.. .
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 12:40:40 +0000

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