Macis Story A couple of months ago, a young Pit Bull type - TopicsExpress


Macis Story A couple of months ago, a young Pit Bull type female was brought into a local vet clinic by the area animal shelter. The pocket Pit, as they are sometimes called, had been abandoned by her former owners, and was on the verge of starving to death. Weighing a mere 22 pounds, when she should have weighed at least 40, her body resembled a skeleton wrapped in dull, brittle, black velvet. Unable to even hold her own head up, she still attempted to lick the gentle hands of the staff at the vet clinic as they performed their initial examination. Shelter personnel discussed her prognosis with clinic staff, and inevitably, euthanasia was discussed. Was she just too far gone? Could she recover? In the end, looking into those trusting brown eyes, no one was able to give the final word, and the battle to save one forgotten, thrown-away little dogs life was begun. She was given a name - Maci - and placed in a roomy cage in the surgery area; a heating pad was put underneath her shivering body, covered with thick blankets to cushion her protruding bones, and IV fluids were started immediately, since she was severely dehydrated and not strong enough to drink on her own. Having gone for so long without food, she had neither the strength nor the desire to eat, and it was decided that fluids were more important than food initially, anyway. Throughout the day, every member of the clinic managed to find an excuse to drop by Macis cage periodically, to check on her; each time, a kind word was spoken, and a gentle hand caressed the skeletal body. As everyone left for the night, each person wondered silently if the brave little dog would still be alive when they returned. Clinic staff were shocked and elated when they arrived the next morning to find that Maci had not only survived the night, but had gained the strength to slowly thump her tail in greeting as each employee dropped by to see her. Macis boundless trust and sweet nature had made her an instant favorite. On the second day, she was offered a bite of hot dog, which she accepted eagerly, to the elation of everyone working at the clinic. Over the next few days, Maci slowly increased the amount of food she ate, and her daily progress was discussed animatedly amongst the clinic staff. Conversations starting with phrases such as, Did you see what Maci did today? She stood up for a minute, on her own! became common, and her slow-but-steady improvement was a source of satisfaction for everyone involved with her care. She got the choicest tidbits from everyones lunches (after being approved by the head veterinarian), she was petted and praised constantly, and she was invariably given the thickest and warmest blankets for her bedding. After several weeks, Maci was deemed strong enough, after gaining nearly ten pounds, to move to a regular boarding cage, and everyone assumed that she would soon be pronounced healthy and put up for adoption. She was tested for heartworms, and the first black clouds began to loom on the horizon...she tested positive. Still, she seemed happy and healthy, as though she just needed to gain a few more pounds to be a normal dog. And then one morning, she coughed. A bit of phlegm was brought up, such a small amount that in a healthy dog, it probably wouldnt have warranted a second thought. In Macis case, however, the occasional cough meant a serious examination and testing from the vet...and the black cloud over the little dogs head grew larger and even more ominous. Maci had been diagnosed with pneumonia; the combination of heartworms and near-starvation had severely weakened her bodys ability to fight off infection. Once again, euthanasia was one of the options given, but no one had the heart to go through with it. Who could, with Maci standing there on the exam table, wagging her tail and smiling happily at everyone around her? So the fight began again. Macis diet became strictly regulated, she was prescribed medications, and she was checked multiple times a day to ensure that she was staying warm enough. On cold days, she wasnt allowed out of doors, for fear that she would take a chill. Even with all of those precautions and treatments, the outlook remained grim. Macis story doesnt have an ending yet. This loving little girl is still fighting for her life today, and while her caretakers are determined to fight until the bitter end, many of them believe the battle is already half lost. I heard about Maci from someone who works at the clinic where she is staying, and wanted to do something - anything! - to help, so I decided to write her story...because thats really all I can do. I cannot post her location, for various reasons. However, if someone out there wanted to help in a more tangible way, by perhaps sending her a thickly padded bed, or a warm sweater, or a snuggly toy, I can get those items to someone who will make sure that Maci gets them. A while ago, there was an internet firestorm over Patrick, the starved Pit Bull in New York...Maci has a similar story, one that is only now being heard. I dont ask for this to go viral; that isnt in Macis best interests right now. What she needs is rest, warmth, and comfort, and I am hopeful that there is a handful of people out there who are willing and able to give her those three things.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 21:28:56 +0000

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