Mackenzie is out of surgery!!! Her surgeon was pleased with how - TopicsExpress


Mackenzie is out of surgery!!! Her surgeon was pleased with how Mackenzie did in the operating room and how the repair went. After locating the area of reherniation her surgeon discovered a pulmonary sequestration. This is a condition where a piece of lung tissue is not attached to the pulmonary blood supply like a normal lung. This lung sequestration was removed and her surgeon questions if it was the development of this tissue over the last three months that aided the reherniation. Never the less, it was removed and the patch was constructed from her left side, around her esophagus and attached to her right side diaphragm muscle. Since she did not encounter any issues during her repair we elected to have the nissen procedure and a gtube placed. The nissen is where the stomach is wrapped around the esophagus to help with reflux which is a huge issue for a lot of cdhers. Given how quickly Mackenzie breathes and her troubles with feeds we elected to place the gtube during todays surgery as well. This is a feeding tube that is surgically placed in her stomach that is accessed on the outside of her belly. This replaces the feeding tube in her nose and hopefully in conjunction with the nissen will allow her to tolerate feeds and gain weight when she gets to that point again. As for now, she is still very sedated but we are overjoyed to see her again. We have been braced for the next few days to be a rocky road to recovery. Praying that her pain can be managed and her body can adjust to the stress of the surgery. Thank you all for the overwhelming amount of support every day but especially today.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 22:28:10 +0000

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