Mada Masr / Justice / Corruption / #Egypt 12 fonctionnaires du - TopicsExpress


Mada Masr / Justice / Corruption / #Egypt 12 fonctionnaires du ministère des Finances et du Centre National dEtudes Pédagogiques devant la justice : ils sont accusés davoir abusé de leur position pour obtenir des fonds publics ************* The administrative prosecution has referred 12 officials from the Ministry of Finance and the National Center for Educational Studies to court over accusations of abusing their positions to acquire public funds, state-owned Al-Ahram reports on Wednesday. According to the judicial report, the Ministry of Finance’s representatives collaborated with the center’s managers to acquire public funds in the form of bonuses and monetary rewards. The Ministry of Finance, which oversees the financing of all state institutions, had issued a decision prohibiting its employees from receiving any monetary rewards or bonuses from the bodies they are deployed to. The defendants include employees in the center, including its manager, Jihan Kamal, in addition to university professors involved in the case. The center was established with a presidential decree in 1972 as an independent research institution tasked with informing the development of the educational system in Egypt. Education Minister Mahmoud Aboul Nasr is the CEO of the center by virtue of his position. Aboul Nasr is under investigation in another case accusing him, as well as other officials, of coercing vocational high school students into forced labor and profiteering from deals with companies that abuse them. madamasr/content/finance-education-officials-referred-trial-corruption-charges
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 05:23:10 +0000

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