Made to Be Alone What follows is what happened to my best - TopicsExpress


Made to Be Alone What follows is what happened to my best friend. A good number of people knew him, and a few enjoyed his company quite a bit. His name was Xavier, no relation to the comic book hero. He wasnt a genius, but he wasnt an idiot. He was no Bradley Cooper, he was no Forrest Whittaker. No, Xavier was just about as normal as anyone could be. There were a few things that gave him something of a personality though. His ancestry was a mix of Native American and Japanese, he had a fascination in the way the human mind processed emotion, and he was quite the fan of My Little Pony, this is all irrelevant information though. For no matter how much he wished it not to be true, there was in fact something that was... abnormal about him. Since his birth in 1994, there has always been a small black hole in his heart. Not metaphorically, an actual hole. He had surgery multiple times, but the surgeons could never find what caused it. It just sat there, completely dormant without any signs of causing pain or discomfort. All it seemed to do was quicken the heart rate by a few BPM. Since there was no issue, it was shrugged off. About a year ago, Xavier met a girl. They shared many similar interests including Ponies, many different Creepypasta, and an interest in the human mind. Needless to say, hormones soon got the better of the two of them and they fell in love. Something to know about Xavier, he gives his all of his affection when hes in a relationship. It makes him entirely loyal to the girl hes with. This was a bit of a double edged sword given the condition of this relationship. She lived a ways away from him and neither had a solid mode of transport. Her parents were another issue, as they didnt enjoy their daughter being with someone of color. Months passed, and soon enough, they barely saw each other. She began to distrust him for some reason, accusing him of cheating and not caring about her in the least anymore. This caused him to have doubts about this relationship. I was with him when he said that his only option would be breaking it off. Just as the words left his lips, he fell to the ground, clutching his chest and screaming in agony. I called 911 and the paramedics sped us to the hospital. He was unconscious for 3 days, the doctors found that the spot on his heart had grown and now covered almost half of it. It didnt seem to do anything though, his heart rate and blood pressure were completely normal and the spot had no chemical properties whatsoever, just coloring. He woke and was discharged quickly. His mind still on the girl he had passed out thinking about. I am unsure as to how their argument started, but it ended with her begging him to stay, that her parents had been convinced he was an OK person, and that they could see each other more often, which was all that would have been needed to save the relationship. But he was stubborn and decided to end it right then and there. More months passed on normally, however, he started to feel a bit more alone. I had expected as much of him, but it was more than I could have ever thought. His days, that were once spent with her or even with his friends, including myself had gone. He kept in his room, rarely ever coming out and looking terrible when he did, his hair stuffed into a loose beanie, and his eyes with huge circles around them that made it look as though he hadnt slept in days. He told me he realized that he could have held on to her, that it was possible to save the love he once had. He planned to go to her house on the bus, but I decided to take him in my car. It seemed only right, plus I just got it for my birthday and wanted to try it out. I would not regret this decision later on I felt something wrong when we pulled in front of her home. It was late afternoon and the landscape was blazing with hues of orange and red. He got out and went up to her door with flowers in hand. As soon as the door opened, I felt a pressure the likes of which could not be put into words. Another man had answered the door, in only his underwear. Xavier, his mind completely shattered, shoved him out of the way. I ran in after him, making sure he wouldnt do anything stupid. She was there, on the bed, only clothed by the blanket. He dropped the flowers and calmly walked outside, he fell to his knees and screamed. He screamed so loud it hurt to hear, but it suddenly stopped. He gripped his chest, his eyes bulging wide and fell to his side. Doubling over in pain. He sounded as though he were gagging on something, when a black sludge came pouring out of his mouth. His eyes had gone completely white, his pupils no longer existent. He no longer had a look of shock or trauma. When he stood, his jeans dirtied by the ground and the sludge, he had a smile on his face. Not one of comfort or acceptance, but one of torment and vengeance. He whispered to me, Get in the car. I did as he asked, as he went around the back of the house and came back with a hammer. I saw him go inside and heard screams from inside as he drove it into their skulls. He came out, his shirt torn off, and his hands stained red. On his chest, was a large black spot where his heart was. He came to the drivers window, and told me to leave. After that, I never saw him. Over the past week, there have been reports of couples being murdered, all of which suffered from severe head injuries. I chose not to acknowledge it. Just 3 days ago, there was a note hammered to my door that only read 2 words. Black Heart. via Creepypasta Wiki
Posted on: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 06:36:50 +0000

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