Madhubala- Ek Ishq Ek Junoon 23rd September 2013 Written - TopicsExpress


Madhubala- Ek Ishq Ek Junoon 23rd September 2013 Written Update Part 1 Madhu is tossing and turning in the bed..! She recollects Pabhos words..! Its early morning and Madhu wakes up first ..just as the alarm rings..! She checks the time ..its 6am..and about to get up when RK pulls her by her arm and asks where is she going? Madhu says ..its Pabhos wake up time.. need to prepare for puja! RK says when she sleeps then. . but last nite it was her breakdance time! Why wasnt she sleepy? Madhu says.. talk to u later.. RK pulls her on top of him n says. .yunhi zindagi bhar mujh par giri padi raho..lets sleep! Madhu says.. stop being a kid.. ! RK pulls her closer.. n Madhu fumes and says.. try and understand ..! RK fumes and gets up and leaves the room..! Madhu says sorry.. try and understand..! Pabho is making the kitchen as Madhu reaches ..n asks to get flowers..! Pabho asks .. slept well? Madhu says .. should have told me to make this! Pabho says. .making halwa puri ..for RK …! Madhu says. give me too and Pabho says.. sure. but first morsel for RK ..! Pabho asks Madhu to prepare for the puja and asks about Radha..! Madhu says..she is not well med effects..! Pabho says.. its about the climate of this weather of this city… its about lifestyle..1 She says.. one should be like tree.. rise high but be rooted to ground! Right then Radha comes and Pabho taunts about being late..! Radha says.. cant get up early! Pabho says.. the house where the housewife doesnt wake up in time..its covered with darkness..! The trio proceed to do puja..! RK is getting ready and Madhu comes to him..! She says looking very handsome! Know ur angry. .n shouldnt have shouted on him..! RK is looking for something n Madhu helps out! Madhu says…tried to make him understand.. n notices RK struggling n again helps out..! Madhu says.. am sorry.. should have explained him nicely but dinno how! Madhu again helps RK to find his files..! Madhu says saying sorry .. please talk to me..! RK is about to take a perfume n Madhu says its mine. .girls one.. ! RK take another n is about to leave n Madhu asks.. how long will u move along like kadva karela? Said sorry already! Servant brings breakfast for RK..! Madhu says.. Pabho made breakfast for u..! RK stuff her mouth n says. .whole day blabering sleep too! RK says. not angry on u ..rather happy ..! He says..she is Kanya Kareli since last night tell me what is wrong? RK says.. ur hubby knows all ur expressions. .so ..tell me what is troubling? Madhu says. .all is well ..why should i be upset or fall sick? RK says something is hurting.. tell me the matter? Pabho is waiting for RK-Madhu and says.. why are they not here yet.. its about breakfast.! Kuku says..nice halwa.. give more..! Pabho says.. all starting breakfast without RK? A family should eat together n Kuku says.. if we were considered family would have eaten but..! Pabho serves breakfast for RK in a plate and takes to RKs room ..! Radha tries to stop her but Pabho goes..! Radha goes to get the halwa puri for others..! Sikky says.. halwa aur puri ke bagair. life hai adhuri ..! Dips says. .not interested! RK asks what is the matter? Madhu says. .bad dream. n RK says where she saw him as half ullu n after waking up ..see him.. as pura ullu..! RK says.. now need to use third degree..! RK says 3 ..2 ..1 .. and picks up Madhu ..1 Madhu stammers..and says leave me.. i Pabho sees..dunno what she will think! Right then Pabho comes and is shocked to see them in that position..! Pabho says.. purani adatein .. life is touf without them..! She sees other breakfast stuff for RK and asks Madhu din tell RK? RK says..yes.. he says din come din wanna stop eating halwa puri..! Pabho says why. .eat when u want! RK says..for his next film he has to lose weight.. so he cant eat..! RK says.. once film shoot is over.. he will wake her up from sleep.. n make him make it.! Pabho says. .pehle karam fir dharam ..! RK says. .she understands as she is his mom! RK says.. a bit of competition now.. as against her is Madhu..! He says..its all her prayers.. a bit of her is in Madhu love also she is like Pabho … she loves me. .take care of me..! RK says.. thats why with one call .. Madhu came to studio..! RK says.. forgive her for missing the puja.. else she will do jagrata without bhajan.. ! RK says.. her words hurt .. Madhu so.. she was awake.. whole nigt an as good hubby i had to keep up too..! RK says.. without Madhu my work wasnt progressing..! RK says.. every time.. he fell . Madhu helped him to get up .. n walk..! RK says.. Madhu is not jsut my support but my strength too..! Pabho glares at Madhu n says.. after today wont say a word to Madhu.! Madhu opposes..! RK says.. my Pabho is one piece..! RK says.. gotta go.. have meeting at bank.. need supply of blessing n Pabho blesses him..! RK leaves..! Pabho looks at Madhu n she is conscious ..! Part 2 Kuku asks Sikky will he work or only eat..! Sikky says eating is important work! Kuku says.. told u to find out who is financing RKs movie..! Sikky says.. remember.. that! Kuku says.. am embarassed to give birth to u… ullu ka patha..! Sikky tries to find out all the details . .from Bittu.! He scares Bittu and Bittu drops the papers..! Sikky says.. wanted to say hello..n Bittu says.. no need..! Sikky asks if he can help? He ends up seeing the bank name. HDIB ..! Bittu snatches the papers from Sikky ..! RK comes and forest department there are monkeys in our house..! Sikky asks where? RK says. .jo jeeta wohi sikandar.. jo hara.. n Sikky says bandar n he fumes on RK! RK-Bittu leave..! Sikky says job done. now u will know how big sikandar is this bandar..! Part 3 Kuku is sleeping with hot bag on his head..! Sikky comes n screams.n he rues..what punishment is this! Sikky says. .aaj khush to hoge tum .. n he can he be..he is Kukus son! Sikky says.. know the source of RKs funding… the bank HDIB ..! Kuku calls up Amar n drops the tip ..! Pabho is praying in her room..! Madhu comes..! Pabho says.. nothing to say or hear..! Pabho says..the order she wanted to give Pabho ..she got from RK! Madhu says din tell anything to RK! Pabho says.. RK is not someone who can know everything! Pabho tells Madhu that.. told u what i did as i thot u were my own but u complaining to RK is not appreciated..! Madhu says i din complain! Pabho says not to worry will do…Tune jo chaha aur Rishu ne jo kaha… wont say a word to u..! Pabho leaves ..! RK says.. got the face that he needed for his movie… ! On 24th September will intro u all to RK productions .. first heroine..!! Precap — Bank manager says.. will be happy to give up loan ..! Just as RK-Bittu leave.. Amar meets the bank manager ! The bank manager asks what can he do for Amar n Amar says.. dun sanction RKs loan!
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 16:09:26 +0000

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