Madhubala 29th June 2013 Written Episode Part 1 RK is - TopicsExpress


Madhubala 29th June 2013 Written Episode Part 1 RK is shooting…! Actress tells her lines butRK doesnt speak his..! Director prompts RK Bittu asks him the matter? RK says.. ‘Zindagi ki bagiya mein bahut alag alag phul khil rahe hain’ which he knows of…so why ask Madhu calls Bittu n asks if RK is ok n he never seen him give retake for one shot She asks if he has eaten n Bittu says no..! RK glares at him n tells him to tell Madhu not to bother for him Scene is cut n RK goes for a break! Meera is eating in her room n asks Sultan why THAT woman (Radha) was so troubledn how she din talk to her! Sultan says…she is sick so..! Meera says.. no there is some pain.. Sultan assures her nothing like that..! Meera asks where are they? Sultan says.. HER HOUSE.. n shushes her before asking any more questions! Makes her sit and feeds her! Meera says ..HE must be makingfaces while eating? Sultan asks who? Meera says that kid n Sultan says.. Aryan! Meera recounts how she din like Bheendi asa kid n Sultan says Aryan too din like ..n recollects Madhu teaching Aryan how to eat Bhindi..n says.. some SPECIAL person taught him to eat..! Meera asks if that kid cant come there? Sultan asks if he should bring him? Meera says.. kids should be always with their parents …or anything can happen! Sultan assures he will bring Aryan soon! Sikky brings Dips to their new room …n she fumes! Sikky says.. its a small room and Madhu has arranged for them! Dips says..better she sent them to servant quarters! Sikky says..there was nothing left for them…so! Sikky says. .like this room so! Dips asks for AC Sikky leaps on the bed to sleep! Its late in the night..and Sultan is sleeping on the chair by Meeras side..who is asleep! He hears some noise..wakes up…sees..its 2am … He comes out in the hall towards the kitchen to fill water n finds Madhu fast asleep on the sofa..with candles n food lying..! He look at her .. n then goes to close the window panes..! RK walks in right then n sees Madhu n drools on her..! He caresses her hair n she wakes up..! RK asks Madhu she din eat? Madhu is teary eyed n hugs him! Madhu requests RK not to be angry with she cant take it..! RK says..he thot she was upset! Madhu says.. they just got married..all waswell n suddenly all this? Radha is ill .n RK is angry on her ..dunno why Sultan is doing allthis? Sultan overhears and is stunned! Madhu asks if she is doing something wrong? Isnt she a good wife.. life partner?She says she wanted problems to settle down but RK is angry with her..! RK caresses Madhus face n says..she is a great wife.. n not doubt..! He says.. peoplesay bad things in anger.. unintentionally ..!RK says Sorry to Madhu for getting Sultan arrested by using her..! RK says.. he is sorry for not telling her what his plan was. .but if he had.. then she wont have let him do it! Madhu says.. yes.. but that doesnt mean he hide things! Madhu tells RK to promise they wont hide anything from each other and RK promises! Madhu says they will solve all mess n RK asks she is with him? Madhu says yes..! Madhu asks is all normal between them? RK EK JUNOON bahut zaruri hai .. n Rishbala eyelocks! RK carries Madhu out of the hall as Sultan watches! Madhu brings tea to Radha and greets her.. n says sorry for being late.. but RK came late so..! Radha stays mum..! Madhu tells Radha she cant see her troubled n asks what can she do? Radha says to leaveher alone! Madhu tells Radha to go and talk to Sultan and clear the matter .. n then go to the drunkard and ask him why he spread theselies? Radha is mum ..! Madhu offers her teabut Radha pushes her hand away! Part 2 Radha tells Madhu that she doesnt wanna clear anything n asks her to leave! Right then they hear someone singing.. its Meera.. doing Aarti ..singing ‘Oh palan hare’! Sultan is standing by her side with folded hand..! Sikky – Dips come out in the hall too and are surprised to see Meera… ! Radha is stunned to see Meera doing the aarti…! Meera gives aarti to Sultan and he touchesher feet ..and takes prasad! Meera offers to Sikky who praises her …and she offers Dips who says.. havent brushed teeth.. Meera insists but Dips stays adamant..! Part 3 Madhu comes to Meera and asks for prasad .. Sultan smiles! Meera looks at Radha and goes to her asks how she is feeling? Radha squirms.. ! RK watches the duo ..! Meera says sorry for doing the aarti of Shri Krishna without taking Radhas permission..! Radha is quiet but shocked too ..! Precap — Meera tells Radha that she knowsher name. .n that for Lord Krishna.. Radha-Meera both are dear..! ((¯*.».(¯ *♥ » (bloody-vampiee ) « ♥* ¯).«.*¯))
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 15:30:08 +0000

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