Madhubala 9th September 2013 Written Episode Part 1 Madhu is - TopicsExpress


Madhubala 9th September 2013 Written Episode Part 1 Madhu is giving champi to RK and he says done! Madhu says no.. his head is half time hot or cold..or full time hot. or full time nuts! RK says she is breaking his hair in her happiness! Madhu says RK pulls Madhu to him and they are near to each other! Bittu says Chief and RK says does he have sensors in his body? He senses..always ! Bittu says 5 Crs arranged 10 Crs from savings and 15 Crs from farmhouse sale.. so they still need 10 Crs! RK suggests to make bank participate or businessman ! He says amount is not too big ..he better ! RK asks signed with Sanya? Says tried she is not responding! RK says messaged? Bittu says yes..many no response! Bittu says decided to drop in on her set! RK asks about writers and Bittu says coming tomorrow! Madhu teases RK saying ur hair.. its gone! RK is tense and goes to check..! Madhu laufs and she asks where is his smartness? Either he is like other actors tappu..! Madhu says glad am not actor..n RK says.. its gods blessing she is not actress and Bittu cant have 6 pack abs..! RK pulls Madhu close and Madhu says lemme go! The duo fall on the bed! RK asks smile and Madhu says not now! RK says why make timetable of this? Duo close in and Bittu comes ! RK says will shoot u..and he covers his face and runs off saying din see anything! Next day morning.. Bittu arrives at Sanyas shoot..! He asks how much time the shot will take..? hE is told some time! Sanya is getting her make up re touched! Her secretary tells him .. come later..she is resting! Sanya ignores him …! Secretary says.. madam says to come later with appointment! Bittu tries to approach her but is blocked! Bittu says am not here to take to sign RKs secretary..! He fumes on the secretary..! Sanya calls Bittu. ..and he asks how is she ..and apologises for barging in! He says came to get contract signed…! Sanya asks for what? Bittu says about meeting her ..! She says sorry..was busy..! Sanya says for signing amount..! Sanya says RK is my first costar so will take payment after movie is over! Bittu says its need to fill amount! She says 20 Crs..! Bittu is taken aback..says its half budget of movie..! Sanya says so RK is making small budget movie? I only do big budgets.. its about reputation! Bittu says know ur reputation and price till date.. only Rs. 3 Crs..! Sanya asks about RK? Bittu says dun be so ungrateful life.. dun forget who helped u stand in the industry! Sanya says RK mite have helped me to stand but ran on my own! Sanya says suggest to take ..some Babi Khanna …! She goes back to shoot! Bittu is stunned! MAdhu asks writers to sit and goes to get tea ! Writers says.. everyone wants to work with u .. so today is the day here! RK says not wanting a award winning movie. but want a blockbuster one..and if award is not won will shoot u! They assure it wil change the future of the industry and tell script! Madhu comes to kitchen and finds Dips busy amking sandwiches..! She asks Madhu what to make? Madhu asks why doing all this? understand people change.. but not overnight. .cant believe u changed overnight! Disp says.. since she supported in front of inspector so ..trying to repay the debt ..! Madhu says supported coz cant believe anyone can fall so low.. respected the relations .. despite proofs.. hope din makea mistake? Dips says no .. am innocent! Madhu says all done then. .no need to take it as debt..! Madhu tells Dips to make veg and cheese sandwich.. without any debt ..! Writer describes the scene.. and RK says.. will reveal that hero getting backstabbed is a dream and he ends the movie..! RK asks so they want him to do this movie? RK says 1991 .. have the DVD . include the missed scenes..! RK says.. they think RK is fool? They will sell any movie saying its original? RK says Bittu told me not to work with them..but thot.. they are not understanding gave a chance.. but after hearing .. realised .. they are in mud ..get lost.. …! The writers walk off! Kuku-Sikky arrive..and Kuku says the countdown to destruction is started! Kuku asks RK how is the preps going? Doesnt smell like successful movie! Kuku akss if his nose is blocke and Sikky says.. lots are blocked! Kuku asks realised how touf.. movie making is? Kuku says.. some good things happened yesterday ..feel like destiny slapped him on the face… so be at it.. will get used to it..! Part 2 Bittu comes and RK says kuku wants info of status of movie..and give Kuku info that Sanya is our movies heroine and they have signed her.. and they are gonna create magic with her! Sikky says the one with whom RK won best jodi award? Kuku chide s him! RK says Kuku talking of slap his evil wishes..! Bittu is quiet.. RK calls Sanya! Kuku says .. na khuda mila na misale sanam na idhar ke rahe na udhar ke! Kuku says my sympathy with u.. if ur movie is made (less chance) but if its made will watch first day first show.. with that money stays at home..! Sikky says will come..along! Kuku says watch trial..! Part 3 Kuku says great tea…and leaves..! Sikky asks Bittu to make him meet Sanya once! RK sulks..! RK asks Bittu why Sanya is not receiving the call? Bittu says Sanya is asking 20 crs..! RK says what? RK says its Sanyas misfortune.. that she is not able to work with them… no need for Sanya. .will take someone else! RK asks to make list of top directors and actors.. these 10 people cannto stop RK frm making movie..! RK says..the first person at their movies premiere wil lbe Kuku ..and he will be first person who will be destroyed.. ! Bittu makes the list of directors and actors and shows to RK . RK asks to fix appointment! Madhu keeps tab of the list.. ! BG – Ye hausla .! Bittu meets all in the list..keeps updating Madhu …! They get rejection from many…! RK sulks..! Madhu rubs RKs shoulders and back hugs him ..! Precap — Amar asks Kuku what will this superstar who is breathing his last bit of stardom do now? Sanya smiles at him ..! Amar says maybe he will hang himself like his dad! RK comes there and punches Amar..! . # ahutee
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 15:35:13 +0000

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