Madhubala Written Episode Update 10th June 2013 Part 1 RK tells - TopicsExpress


Madhubala Written Episode Update 10th June 2013 Part 1 RK tells Paddo to smile a bit..! Madhu says RK? RK says..wont fulfill this vow! All are surprised..! RK says..he has fulfilled this promise from beforehand..! RK points towards the entry and Trish-Roma arrive..all smiles..! Madhu-Paddo smile..! Madhu is about to greet .. them when RK stops her n says.. where are u off to Biwi err.. would be Biwi..? If this time.. wedding is not completed..people will beat them up..! Roma hugs Paddo..! The pandit says. .after completion of 4th Phera.. biwi will be ahead.. ! Madhu is about to walk ahead when RK says.. think thru.. ur stepping ahead of me..its a risk.. he is Right Kameena.. so.. ! Madhu says..risk is for him…as he is marrying Jungli Billi.. if he does on wrong deed.. she will scratch him..! RK smiles..! Madhu says.. Log kehte hain teen tigada.. kaam bigada.. n Madhu says.. for them teen tigada.. kaam savarna hota hai. no fears..! RK says.. AHAN! Madhu steps ahead.. and the pheras continue..! Pandit says. .all seven pheras are complete..! All clap…! RK wipes Madhus tear.. n points her not to cry n she nods her head! RK says wedding is over.. so why is she crying .now for life..he has to cry..! The duo sit down and RK puts the Mangalsutra around Madhus neck..! BG-Hum hai dewane..! All clap..! Pandit asks to put sindoor on Madhu n RK fills sindoor in Madhus mang..! Pandit says.. VIVAH sampanna hua..! Paddo is emotional .. Bittu ji thanks God.. Radha is emotional! RK holds Madhus cheek..! All clap ..! Rishbala eyelock..! Sultan si standing pointing the gun at Rasheed..! He realises.. Sultan fired the bullet at a vase ..! Rasheed says..he is just like his mom! Sultan shouts.. ur liar..! Rasheed says. .not lying..his moms name is Meera… Meera! Rasheed starts frothing at his mouth and passes out…! Sultan tells Kaka that Rasheed is lying..n that he is embarassed that his father is refusing to accept him as his son! Kaka tells Sultan .. no…! Sultan asks why not looking in the eye? Kaka says.. they are not lying.. Nazia-Rasheed are not his parents..! Sultan is stunned..! Sultan says no way..not possible..! Kaka says.. does he think…he can lie to Sultan? Sultan breaksdown..! He looks at the family pic of his-Rasheed-Nazias and sheds a tear..! He caresses… Nazias face..! Kaka caresses Sultans head..! Kaka seeks forgiveness from Sultan! Rishbala step out of the wedding mandap…and RK holds Madhus hand helping her get down! RK tells Radha ..was thinking.. n Radha says.. shussh. .no more crap talk..! Rishbala take her blessings..and she blesses them with happiness and hugs them..! Radha says. .may their jodi stay safe ..forever..n ever! RK asks for another blessing that may their madness stay same! Radha asks Bittu..when will he change? All smile..! Madhu rushes to Trish and RK follows..! She hugs Trish…! Dips fumes seeing them! Trish tells Madhu .. dramaqueen.. n that.. she knew even in anger Madhu would listen to her heart.. n that she told Paddo the same..! Trish says.. RK called them there . not Madhu..! Madhu apologises..! Roma tells she named her perfectly .. GLYCERINE… always crying.! Roma wipes her tears and asks if Madhu is happy? Madhu nods..! RK says.. Lady Bheem.. wont call u that.. just Bua n Roma says. .oye.. no Bua.. only Roma..! Madhu tries to take Romas blessing and she says..God bless u..and at a good time will give nick to RK too.. but need to know that if anything happens to Madhu .. not just Lady Bheem by name..! Madhu tells Paddo that she wanted to invite Paddo but din..! RK says.. no flashbacks of things before wedding..! RK says.. its a memorable night.. so only good memories can be taken ahead! RK says.. know that whatever i did n Paddo interrupts him n says. .u said no more old talk.. n RK says..means? Paddo says.. from hence forth RK can call her mom too..! All smile..! Madhu hugs Paddo..! Madhu tells Paddo .. very happy..! RK is standing still and Paddo says.. know u wont bend.. but for taking her blessing he has to bend n RK n Madhu bend.. ! Part 2 Paddo blesses them n says. .may God keep them together. .every moment. .every day…and every year. .n every birth..! RK says.. he knows that there are 2-4 warnings in her mind too dun hurt my Madhu . .n if he does.. her hand..and his cheek..! He says. .been slapped by two women already so no more blessings..! Paddo says.. will pray to Bappa to make him a seedha sadha insaan from a naughty one! RK says…dare not.. else if Bappa heard.. she will leave him n go.. n then her hand wlll be on his cheek! Sikky blesses Rishbala.. from afar but Dips walks off..! Rishbala hug Paddo..! Madhu says..they need to take someone elses blessing too..! Part 3 Madhu says to Bittu..that if there is anyone she wants to thank ..most its him..! She say..always saw u as a brother..n thanks him ! She bends down to take her blessings..! Bittu is in tears and says.. pray to God that they stay happy forever..! Bittu hugs Madhu n RK asks him ..till when will he be able to decided whether he has to lauf or cry? RK asks for lime water for Bittu else hw ill dehydrate.. n faint! All smile../! Precap — Rishbala on stage for reception ..! RK signals to Bittu and he goes somewhere! Madhu asks RK ..what was the signalling about? Bittu says.. Chief had asked for ideas.. about special gift for Madhu? Out of the ideas received.. Four lucky winners chosen..! One said.. call her family to the wedding..! Second said.. diamond pendant.. Third said..Get a tatoo of wifes name on chest/arm..! Fourth said …should gift Ganeshji a symbol of true love…! They said… Love RKs madness . .dialogs..! About Madhu .love her honesty . n clean heart.. n innocence..! All say …coming to attend Rishbala wedding…!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 17:03:25 +0000

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