Madi was completely SURPRISED yesterday!!! You have probably - TopicsExpress


Madi was completely SURPRISED yesterday!!! You have probably already seen some of the photos and videos, but I wanted to share some of the days highlights with you as well. Madi was blindfolded by our neighbor, after being told to go to their house (on her way home from staying the night with a friend) and that they had a little something for her. (She babysits their children, so was thinking they had a birthday gift for her.). Once to their house, she was told there was a surprise for her, and that I requested she wear a birthday sash and a blindfold. She played along... lol... Probably thinking we bought her a car. She arrived at Dixie Dreams, with local NEWS cameras clicking away, not able to see anything, and was led inside to a room full of old friends, and (soon to become) new friends. Some were local, some drove an hour or two, and one Army Veteran (who followed the Facebook Page) came all the way from Jacksonville Florida. Others drove from the Raleigh / Durham area, Knoxville, Tennessee, and one special lady (that followed the story of Bryces accident, fight to survive, passing, and now my posts about the Birthday Card Party for Madi) was from California. Also in attendance were four Active Duty Military (Air Force) Troops from Pope Army Airfield, located in Fayetteville, NC, and an Army Troop (who went to high school with Bryce) along with his family, from Tennessee. At about 1:50 pm, on the count of three, with cameras everywhere, Madi was stripped of her blindfold (by me) and we all yelled SURPRISE! She was COMPLETELY SURPRISED!!! We then ALL sang Happy Birthday to her. At 2:00 pm, the North Carolina Patriot Guard came in on their motorcycles, loud and awesome, with a Union County Police Escort. They circled the Dixie Dreams Venue with their bikes and sirens, making an amazing presence!!! (Inside, they presented Madi with a beautiful 3x5 Patriot Guard Flag, which they all signed.). The ride captain Keith Arbuckle is not only the NC State Captain, he was also the Ride Captain that escorted Bryces body (from CLT to McEwen Funeral Home in Monroe) home for his funeral. (These men and women have been like family to us... So it was extra special for them to come and make such a presence of love at Madis party. Once we all came back inside (everyone had gone outside to see the Patriot Guard Riders) I spoke for a moment, telling Madi about my FB Note, and told her she got a few cards. At this time, the DJ turned on some music, and the Active Duty Troops, along with 2 of the PGR Riders, began walking up to Madi, each holding boxes and crates of mail (that had arrived for her thus far). It was an amazing experience because they just kept coming, with more and more, placing it all on a huge square table in front of her. She was overwhelmed and amazed by all the many piles. (I told her there were 1,377 pieces of mail, cards, letters, packages, flowers, chocolate covered strawberries, and a huge cookie bouquet, that had arrived for her. I also told her it had come from each of the 50 states in the United States, plus US Territory Puerto Rico, and many other countries around the world, including Iraq, Afghanistan, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, Canada, Qatar, Congo, Italy, Germany, Australia, England... and more!!! After this, the Active Duty AMMO Troops (Big brother Bryce was also an AMMO munitions Troop) spoke for a moment, telling Madi she has big brothers and sisters standing in for Bryce all around the world). They also presented Madi with an Honor Guard COIN that was brought to the party by the parents of Cole Sims. This coin is super special because it is an honor to be a part of that elite Honor Guard group, and each coin has a serial number on it, they only get one. Cole chose to have his (only) coin delivered to Madi for her 18th Birthday. (Cole was the one that presented me the Flag, thanking me on behalf of a grateful nation, at Arlington National Cemetery, when Bryce was laid to rest with full honors.) I was also presented with a special gift at Madis party. Cole also had his parents deliver the White Gloves he wore the day he carried Bryce ( pallbearer ) to rest. These gloves have been worn to lay many of his fallen brothers and sisters in arms to rest at Arlington. (I will treasure these priceless gloves forever!!!!) NEW NEWS... Today (July 21) Madi received 315 more pieces of mail, cards and packages. This huge outpouring, of fine love and care, continues to be AMAZING!!!! THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME GIVE MADI THE BEST BIRTHDAY SHE HAS EVER HAD!!! Love, Momma Powers
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 22:45:40 +0000

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