Magazine published Aasturia (date) Monthly published an article - TopicsExpress


Magazine published Aasturia (date) Monthly published an article in its issue dated November 1999 on how to invent the Russian intelligence , which was a subsidiary of Caesars book The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and tried in this article demonstrate that the protocols were fabricated entirely and do not exist in the land Indeed . The latest reaction so amazing in the Western cultural circles in general and the French in particular. Says a number of Western intellectuals sympathetic to Israel and Zionism , and especially in France : We know, for years twenties , that meant the plot Judaism is invalid and that the book that talks about it feigned a Protocols of the Elders of Zion , and we know today is the author of this book, however it complements the way that this text denounces what he calls the Jewish danger , and continues to harm . Says Pierre-André Tagyev Pierre André Taguieff, a research director at the National Center for Scientific Research CNRS, philosopher, historian and well known file protocols and the author of a book of 1,200 pages on the protocols and their use was published in 1992 in two volumes , The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a fake . It is stolen in the majority of the book is not in its original anti-Semitic at all, and so-called hell dialogue between Machiavelli and Montesquieu by Maurice Joly , a critique hostile to the rule of Bonaparte and printed in 1864 in Brussels . Has proved that research conducted by Time magazine in London issued in 16,17,18 , from the month of August in 1921 , and the signing by Philip Graves . Although the magazine is the same document that the protocols took seriously a year ago from the date of the search, which in 1920 and published May 8 in the whole world , giving special importance or focus on the theme of conspiracy against the Jewish people. The text fake , which until then had a weak effect , especially in Russia in the years 1903 and 1917 , began to spread around the world since early 1920 and knew the first translation of it into German and English ( in Britain and the United States ), and then knew his way to the languages French , Polish , Hungarian , Italian, . The media took advantage of this Nazi text after 1933 on a regular basis . After the Second World War and the establishment of the State of Israel , began to exploit this fake text to denounce international Zionism by the majority of Arab countries, and widely by Muslims . And today still refer to the list of protocols that exist in the Islamic and conversations with Islamic groups as a front Algerian Islamic Salvation Organization and the Palestinian Hamas , and finally in the ex-communist countries from Russia and even Poland , where he became a new dimension to the protocols . We note that in India and in Japan there is a strange interest in this document and the text that is currently known with this title , Protocols of the Elders of Zion has been named as the Jewish danger or Jewish program to rule the world . And we know through two main two : copy Nilus ( 1905) and a copy Botmi ( 1906) through the names of the publishers of Russian origin to copy counterfeit and know this document as a detailed presentation by someone from the Zionist claims to wisdom and speak in front of the councils of the Zionist plan to dominate the world , namely , protocols come to a conclusion lectures held in a secret undisclosed location and time unknown by unknown persons , an unknown number of those who become presidents and senior leaders of the Jewish people all over the world . The project presents the invasion and rule the world on the court in solidarity with this principle , the composition of an unknown Jew headed big is also known . As this plan specifically Jewish Freemasonry aims at the destruction of Christian civilization and traditional monarchies in order to establish a niche in the King of the Jews and the site did not Ihtlhma one we have not reached it after a king of the world ( protocols ? 3 , a copy of Nilus ) . The basic principle of the only global Jewish movement as mentioned in the texts of the Protocols grievance is as follows the end justifies the means. This means that everything from analyst order to be successful dynasty of David in the construction of her kingdom and in order to become kings of the Jewish masters of the whole world . From here, take a copy of Julie Morris in 1864 distorted dialogue of hell as an important role , Machiavelli in the Protocols has been replaced by the person who speaks in a tongue of the Elders of Zion . This means that the Zionists are using fraud and forgery and resort to violence, incite revolutions , in order to put in their hands the future of the world and would want to refine their interest by all means or even worse is the worst . This is a key factor because it is connected to the match as a result of protocols with the tumultuous events of the era ( World War I and the Bolshevik Revolution ) and this is enough to prove their content . Protocols have emerged in 1903 ( from ? August 6 to September 7 in Russia) briefly in the journal Znamya ( Ensign ) Krosovan known to slaughter Jews at the time. After a few months of the terrible massacre of the Jews of Kishinev , and to justify this massacre , this text speaks about wars, revolutions , and coups of all kinds , without forgetting the major tricks and frauds and cheating. Valbrootokolat attributed all these works known to the Jews of plotting and the use of violence is tightened timing scheme , where the revolution in 1905 , and after the 1917 revolution . Go back to the texts of the protocols emphasize forecasts Look to the ability of these texts on Alnnba events where no doubt a testament to the realism and the health of its words . In 1905 issued a Russian mystic Serge Nilus book entitled Little Big inside : the Antichrist is the probability of political and imminent summit , which includes the protocols . This title explains the idea very common in anti-Semitic literature in the nineteenth century , which is that, after the French Revolution began the process of preparing for the coming of the Antichrist declares becomes a vision of the end of the world if still visible , and the incident . In 1905, the turnout was a book Serge Nilus , which contains the sidelines in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion , a light turnout did not exceed the number of copied the millennial version . In the year 1911 1912 featured new editions of the book contain Nilus protocols. The demand for them , leaving a light as well. In the 1917 book appeared again under the title is very close .. on the door of the Antichrist is coming , and the extension of the power of Satan on the ground nearby . As well as the latest version has not received a viable market to them, but the Empress reserves has a copy in her room in the palace , where killed the family of Tsar . thus linking the Russians between the existence of this book with the Empress and the killing of the family of the Caesars , so they attributed the incident to a crime ritual or ritual Jewish religious . since the Empress had painted a swastika in the window aperture coupled with a book of protocols , which confirms the presence of Jewish Bolshfa scheme against her and the Tsar . After such events between 1918 and 1920 book became a world-renowned protocols . After the October Revolution book spread more globally and take his promoters and advocates of the Tsars that this book is a crime of the Jewish Jews will suffocate their state , where all the countries of the global West. Russia will start to drop as will choose to destroy the rest of the European monarchies . Globalization will begin the first in 1920 when translated protocols to all European languages . As translated in 1921 into Arabic after the Balfour Declaration , not by Muslims but also by Arab Christians . It also got Year 1925 1926 other translations in Palestine and Syria . In 1951 the Muslim Tunisian Mohammed Khalifa published the first Arabic translation of the full in Cairo preceded by a lengthy introduction summed up the thesis traded common in the Arab world from the original Zionist Protocols, and then followed by another translation attributed to Mahmoud Abbas Akkad . There was Tdwylin two texts protocols : Starting in 1981 1919 , where she worked as a machine protocols of war against the Jewish Bolshevism . And turned the issue of book protocols to machine propaganda by the power of Hitler , and then , since the founding of the State of Israel , has become protocols , especially in the Arab-Muslim world , as a machine of war against Zionism allows the possibility of establishing , strengthening and feeding the trend of anti- Zionism diabolical and , of course, to distinguish what is a critique legitimate policy of Israel , or even to the Zionist project as a whole . French historians and contemporaries emphasizes pro- Israel in the French media , saying : We knew , through the work of Henry Roland , John S. . Curtis , and Norman Cohn , the protocols that counterfeit composed in Paris by the departments of Ukraine , and the Tsarist political police under the supervision and management of Raczkowski . Research has shown modern historian of Russian Mikhail Abejan it had appeared the first edition of the author counterfeiter protocols in France between 1900 1901 by Matthew Goulovenska , which is a customer organization Alawkhrana at that time. How could text proved to be a fake that complements the track until the end of the century century, and how do we explain the power of this and continue to communicate and Alteward regeneration and historic ? The answer Tagyev : The interpretation of this phenomenon is that the resistance to critical thinking is not only proof that we are still diagnosing the presence of legendary . From this we can distinguish between the five functions of the myth of global Jewish conspiracy : 1 - Function explanation: the need to feed the myth of knowledge , giving meaning to the chaotic movement of history and socio-political reality by making close to understanding . And across protocols clarified everything. Valmatkd becomes easy and the mysterious becomes transparent . Thus Tohemena protocols understanding by showing the brutality of the eternal enemy of the human race . 2 - to defend against the threat : The disclosure of the hidden enemies of the charts is the most effective way to fight the enemies secret . Valbrootokolat constitute a tool of war and as a defensive weapon . You can fight against the conspirators referring to them as well as indirectly through them speak of their project infernal full control over the world. 3 - legitimize : The publication of protocols use mainly as a means to justify the slaughter of Jews and the eradication and extermination Vhredt in the name of legitimate self-defense against the conspirators . Move against them and then justify this move and activity in the same ills and reasons. 4 - The political function : political or legendary . We have created protocols agency making the absolute enemy , and to create a strange hated that solves everything against him . Valbrootokolat not only calls to isolate and remove the exclusion Aljhenmyin enemies , but also , and especially , calls to kill and eradicate and exterminate these enemies once and for all because they are considered the cause of all the misery of mankind . Valbrootokolat achieve better publicity to xenophobia and scaled enemies. The enemy only if the workbook known Bougeh multi symbolized by the following: the Jewish Masonic revolutionary socialist anarchist -communist authoritarian capitalism Elijmhoria Zionism Alampreialahalkh 5 - cleansing function : if the text of the protocols has given a good effect , and if it can be re- published and revised, it has received in relation to the non- historical limitations . This is what constitutes a good symbolic : I have an inventory of the adequacy of the text until it became applied to any situation and any circumstance . Valbrootokolat in all crises , where the meaning of events and a broad and non- specific , give the size and significance of the events to make them explain the facts by reference to the world Jewish conspiracy aimed at world domination . This post explains the ability of the attractiveness of the text of the protocols when counterfeit clarified warping . Its a function of emotional fictional relieved to find a reason for the cons in the world, that his mission of violence , murder , and violation of natural laws . Valbrootokolat declare that the monsters are everywhere and the suspicion that the devil is a multifaceted who rule the world . In addition to the attractiveness of secret and unknown, there are surprisingly evil , cleansing and automated readers who are convinced of the authenticity of the text , and automated classified Balonkiee in the face of the forces of evil secret . Fake : Matthew Goulvensk : After five years of research, found a Russian historian to deviate the identity of the author or the author of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion . Author of the protocols ? Here it is. The of Mikhail Aboukan highlighting the image of a man with a beard and has a nice look : I have spent more than five years in search of the records in Russia to view his life . The author of Portokulat the Elders of Zion called Matthew Goulvensk of strain honorable in the area Cyprsk historian Mikhail Aboukan of the new generation of researchers who are waiting for a lot of them because if the archives of the former Soviet Kmgarh Ali Baba , it is still a mystery where the researchers can not only pick up the crumbs . At the end of 1900 or beginning of 1901 wrote Protocols of the Elders of Zion Goulovenska assures Aboukan I have discovered the first Russian-language translator . It dates back to November 9 in 1901 . Wrote the book without Atiqin of impact. For a writer Goulvensk isolated to Paris . Ive been writing Albrunokulat pursuant subsisted him no more, no less . Russia has criticized the policy towards the Jews. Nicholas II and has been influenced by this view degrading . It is therefore likely to be grown protocols idea in the mind of Pierre Rachowska head of the Russian secret intelligence abroad as a tool to justify the internal politics of his country . For him Goulovenska not an agent but a colleague need to be written to make a living . Confirms to Aboukan saying , His life a whole proved it. Did not bother him a man Goulvensk days , political opinions , follow Mikhail Aboukan : After the blow Bolshevik state , found near Lenin . Two families are family friendly , which is the real name Ulyanov Lenin and Goulovenska family , were common characteristics and are interested in joint action : education Alichowash the people of the Volga . This relationship alone can interpret Goulvensk rise to the top of Bolshevik rule . Between 1918 and 1920 founded the organization pioneers of children with napkins red , helped by Trotsky in the establishment of military education , as well as systems of medicine socialist , and founded the Institute of physical exercise that made the Soviet Union force sports world as we know it . Either end of the life of the author of The Protocols of the Elders Zion are vague Kahiath . died Tbroograd perhaps in 1920 , without knowing that the success of this work .
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 10:02:18 +0000

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