Magi: Book of Forsaken Futures From Passage 145: His Truth - TopicsExpress


Magi: Book of Forsaken Futures From Passage 145: His Truth [Hale: His Own Truth] - Getting up the morning following something like that, I dont even know where to start. Should I go let her parents know, I can already see what that is going to sound like Well, shes not actually dead but she is now a monster used to tackle an entire army without blinking. Nah... that would not work... I go downstairs after changeing my clothes into red shorts and a sleeveless red shirt. I head downstairs and head for the door. I go to open the door and it occurs to me that a guy my age is sitting on the couch. From the way he is hunched, the chains that run from his black leather vest to the black cargo pants, hang over the couch and toward the floor. Almost like his long black hair. Took you long enough he laughs. Shall we get to the park? I nod, no clue who he is but I cant risk a fight here. As we walk out the door he laughs Why so serious Hayloskien? Who is this guy? He laughs some more then echoes Bluuhd, or if you please, Brandon Oh I laugh That makes sense. So, what happenned? He asks. Hope and Hayloskien are getting new bodies, as chimera. I reply with a shrug. Chimera? He contemplates.Why would you let them do that!? I didnt have much choice. I tried to warn them when I saw the file on it displayed but Death pushed me back to my body and teleported me home. I reply. Then something occurs to me and I ask What do you know about it? He goes to reply and Dem runs up and hugs me. She smiles at me Did you know I was coming? Well have to continue later I echoe to Brandon who nods as I smile at Dem Not that kind of psychic. Its a happy surprise none the less. Then a grudgeingly familiar voice calls from behind me. I turn around in time to get the butt of a halberd of fire slammed into my face. As I fall back he swings it around, bringing the blade at my face. Brandon catches it with a rapier of light and that jock comes down at him with claws of dark crimson fire. His path altered by a spear of light. Neither stopping until pinned to a nearby van with a hawk rising from the sunrise painted on it. The Hawks wings look like they were his from positioning. Jumping across roof tops in this residential neighborhood and then down to where we are standing is a guy around my age with long platinum hair. His grey sweat jacket flutters in the wind as he comes to a landing. He flicks his hair away from his face and Brandon laughs Grand entrance as always Lance or Valour so you know Hale. He just nods focused on our opponnents. He slides himself off of the spear and down to his feet. Blood drips from his smiling mouth as he rejoins Grahams side, the wound healing instantly, the hole in his clothing revealing a leviaten heart in his chest. Graham smiles I figured out why he remained unpurified by my touch. I had to kill a few people I got my answer. We even recieved a new hope! He laughs as Hope swings to Spykes side, much more happy to be there then before. Obviously a hyper clone. Graham holds out a leviaten heart As it turns out, you awakenned demons just have too much power to be simply purified. Your cases just require a little extra oomph. He extends it to me would you like to join, I think youll find it hard to resist. Crap, we are surounded by an army of the buggers. Not even enough room to spread our wings. Getting closer and closer, several holding out leviaten Hearts. As they close in I can feel their presence, a wave of voices in unison. Then a wave of solar blasts rain from the sky. The two largest narrowly missing Graham and Spyke, the others descimating the surounding armies. Looking to the sky we see a small army of behemoth looking monsters. They look like dragons with lion shaped faces and a two color mane and feathers framing their wings. The two large ones dive down while the others stay airbourne, paving an opening for their landing. Once they land Hayloskiens voice echoes Hop aboard. The other one giggles as Lance and Brandon climb on apparently her back. No funny buisness with my lady now His echoe growls. Death has gathered the others we need to go now. My next question answers itself as I see Tryp and Joe amongst Grahams army. Hayloskien echoes Well have to figure out what to do about them later, sorry Hale. Once airbourne we are joined by about ten small, well chimera apparently. One stands out at the head and flies by Hayloskien What now father? His voice echoes between us. Well that answers that, so the other one must be Hope. He laughs in echoe Well Junior, we return home, then well I dont really know. He laughs some more. Guess well just have to wing it. The small chimera giggle and echoe Wiiing it! Eventually we arrive at a massive leviaten floating just above the ocean, a door opens then closes as we land. Then you can feel the ship resubmerge below the ocean. After we get off their backs, they return to human form, Hayloskien, Hope and an army of what look like two year olds. The one from earlier approaches Hayloskien Can we go have lunch now? His blonde hair is long like Hayloskien, only difference is his cold blue eyes. Hayloskien rubs his head Yes junior then to the group yells good job kids, now go get some grub! He laughs as they run off, presumably to a cafeteria. Back to buisness his demeanor shifts well, weve got a bit of a pickle dont we? This leviaten is missing its master control heart so cant do any more power then get barely out of the ocean and right now it is our only refuge. Also, Rywho has been missing since last night and Death has been unable to find him. According to this he hands me a book both issues will be resolved. Its just a matter of time. He shrugs For the time being go pick a room, this is home. End- Book of Forsaken Futures Beginning - Homeland
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 17:53:51 +0000

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