Magic 28 Days of Gratitude *** Over the last few days... I have - TopicsExpress


Magic 28 Days of Gratitude *** Over the last few days... I have had some powerful realizations about how fortunate I am in the area of food, shelter, water, clothing, and more. I will be making some donations to organizations that provide food, clothing, water and shelter to those in need around the world. If you have had similar realizations in going through Magic 28 Days of Gratitude... I encourage you to make a donation to the organization of your choosing as well! *** Day 8 - 1. I am grateful to not only to have more than enough to eat each day.... but also get to choose what kind of food I prefer. There are so many people that dont have enough to eat let alone the ability to choose only their favorite foods.Thank you THANK YOU Thank you!!! 2. I am grateful to have clothing... LOTS of clothing... and if I am cold... the ability to just go buy more. Sadly, there are so many people that dont have adequate clothing. Thank you THANK YOU Thank you!!! 3. I am grateful for a warm bed every night... especially when my puppies are snuggled up there next to me. There are those that dont have a roof over their head, or a bed to call their own. Thank you THANK YOU Thank you!!! 4. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve my Platinum Partner friends. I learn soooo much from them in how to play full out and live life OUT LOUD. 5. I am grateful for the learning moments that appear throughout each day because if you arent growing yourre dying. :) minerals - kuang4 wu4 zhi2 , alkaline - jian3 xing4 , filter - guo4lu4qi4, water pitcher - shui3 guan4 :) 6. I am grateful for an incredible touching conversation with a new friend Michelle Chong that has such a beautiful family, kind soul, and enlightened soul. Always look forward to morning hugs, her beautiful genuine smile, and awesome conversation! 7. I am grateful for a warm cup of chai latte on yet another cold day because it warms me from the inside out and lets me have a moment of calm amidst the chaos. 8. I am grateful for my beautiful family that I dont get to see nearly enough. Ive learned so much, and continue to learn, from each and every one of them. I love that we can have serious AND silly conversations together... and have fun no matter which one were discussing. 9. I am grateful for the the angels that come in and out of my life because they either remind me that I am on the right path... or gently guide me back. 10. I am grateful to Jordan, Michelle and Soongs adorable boy, that gave me the most genuine heartfelt hug today. I love his genuine heart and vibrant energy! Truly the highlight of my day!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 06:56:00 +0000

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