Magic happened Sunday night at CPDC! although I did not win a - TopicsExpress


Magic happened Sunday night at CPDC! although I did not win a title I feel that I did my best and I put on a fun show! Im still trying to master this competition thing, learning to be 100% in character while maintaining my pole technique! Its a hard skill to master, one day Ill hit it spot on! until then I will be inspired by my peers who did it and made it appear effortless, Mary, Brynn Route & Amber Wolf. The road to this post was not traveled alone, I had a team of fantastic friends rooting me on and filling my heart with love, Kirstyn Rawlings, Kaylin Boosalis, Brian Wolf, Tami Brandel Kristy Craig Natasha Wang Mia Smith Thank You for taking extra time to support me and watch my run thurs! Thank you to my training buddies, Sherry & Tilly Erikson you girls kicked serious ass last night and I am honored to have you by my side! thanks to Kelly Yvonne for setting my Choreo Placement on this piece and allowing me to use the studio to train, I love my pole home, The Choreography House (no place like home) Now... My biggest thanks, my newest addiction, my friend and pole coachVeronica F. Nichols Veronica you believed in me from day one, you went out of your way to help me, you attended every training session to encourage me to be the best that I could be. Having you by my side made my heart at ease, its been ages since someone loved me the way you have... Thank you, thank you for being a friend and filling my body with magic! Because of you, Im proud of my performance! Thanks for doing my costume and making me shine xo you are an amazing coach! Thank you Glenise Anjel Dust Brathwaite for the competition, I enjoyed it 100%, you did a great job this year, super happy! thank you judgesMina Mortezaie Josiah Badazz Grant Charlee Shae Wagner Leigh Ann Reilly Sasja Lee Im honored to have performed for you all, you all are trend setters, pole gods and goddesses! To all the contestants, congratulations, I hope you all are feeling positive about your pieces! Life on a stage should be fun and you should be proud of you achievements! Now go out an be a little naughty as you deserve it! Thanks to my husband John Graham and mother in lawWendy Beckett for believing in me and coming to see me perform! I love you both so much! Peace, Love and Pole Dance, Crystal xo Ps: photos and video to come by. George Grigorian exciting ;)
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 18:07:46 +0000

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