Magnesium - The King Of All Minerals Magnesium is called the - TopicsExpress


Magnesium - The King Of All Minerals Magnesium is called the Master Mineral by some. It improves brain function and memory. So many symptoms of magnesium deficiency resemble so many others, like fatigue, muscular tension, and miserableness, that its difficult to determine by symptoms alone. Long term magnesium deficiency is associated with many diseases, including cancer. Magnesium is the major constituent for producing chlorophyll in plant life. Without that, plants could not interact with the sun and survive. Fulvic (not folic) acid, black strap molasses, and unprocessed sea salt are high in magnesium. Commercial table salt, white processed sugar, foods containing white bleached flour, diuretic medications and insulin take magnesium out of your body. High carbohydrate and high fat diets increase the need for magnesium as does physical and mental stress. When taking a magnesium supplement, add a squeeze of lime or lemon to help absorb the magnesium. Its also possible to supplement magnesium transdermally by soaking in epsom salts. Unless one has serious kidney problems, it takes a lot to overdue magnesium supplementation. But it is easy to notice. Like Vitamin C, too much magnesium manifests as diarrhea, a threshold that varies with each individual. Most magnesium supplements are sold as magnesium oxide. In that form the body can absorb only three percent of the magnesium. The rest is wasted. Magnesium orotate is a much better alternative since the body can absorb much more of it. Take magnesium early in the morning and late at night on an empty stomach since this is when magnesium levels are at their lowest.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 15:11:11 +0000

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