Magnifying Christ Philippians 1:18-21 The apostle Pauls - TopicsExpress


Magnifying Christ Philippians 1:18-21 The apostle Pauls greatest desire was to magnify the Lord Jesus Christ. Neither his present circumstance (prison) nor the prospect of more difficult testings or even death lessened his sincere desire that Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or death (v.20). Is our desire like that of Pauls, or have we been caught up in the spirit of the world today that seeks to exalt and magnify churches, men, and movements? Furthermore, we also hear much about the need for Christians to develop more self-esteem, but we ought to follow the scriptural example as set forth by John the Baptist: He must increase, but I must decrease (Jn.3:30). Every believer, as a member of Christs body, the church, should naturally give the Head of the body, the Lord Jesus Christ, the preeminence in all things (Col.1:16-18). We magnify Christ when we lift Him up before the unbelieving world as the Lamb of God who died for all, the only Savior from sin. We magnify Christ when, through our words and actions, we elevate Him in the sight of all men. We magnify Christ when those whose lives we touch praise the Lord and not us. We magnify Christ when we encourage others to exalt Christ rather than our pastor, our church, or our denomination. We all can magnify Christ if we continually follow the simple instructions given in Romans 12:1-2. Yielding ourselves to the Lord rather than conforming to the world assures us that Jesus Christ will be honored. We must continually renew our minds through the faithful study of-and obedience to-Gods holy Word. May we purpose to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor.10:5).
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 22:48:22 +0000

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