Magnolia, Arkansas Alert! If you are an animal lover or if you - TopicsExpress


Magnolia, Arkansas Alert! If you are an animal lover or if you object to any animal receiving cruel treatment at a government run animal shelter, please read the article below and review the pictures of the 59 animals. If, after you review both, you agree that these acts of cruelty cannot be tolerated for another minute, I would ask that you please sign the petition, SHARE this and encourage every person who reads this after you to also SHARE it! The city of Magnolia, Arkansas, shirked their responsibilities to provide even minimal food, shelter and care for the dogs in their control. This city engaged in government-sponsored animal cruelty and no one in that city, not the animal control officer who allowed this to happen, the Police Chief he reports to, or the Mayor who knows what the conditions are in this shelter, did anything to stop it. Please Do The Following: 1. Write an email to the Mayor of the City of Magnolia, Arkansas, and the City Council members asking them to make systemic changes to their animal shelter to ensure that animals are treated humanely. 2. Sign the petition at that will go to President Barack Obama and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and it asks for the creation of a federal standard of care to regulate animal shelters and organizations and the application of the Animal Welfare Act to these shelters and organizations. 3. If you are in the middle Tennessee area where these dogs have been removed to, and you want to help care for them or foster, please fill out a foster application here (or if WordPress does not like the direct link, here: bigfluffydogs/foster-faq.php). If you would like to donate to help a dog, please do so here” bigfluffydogs/pay-online.php. There is a lot to look over and read. We are asking you to do the 3 things above (if you can). Take your time. There were 59 animals and 3 have died from the horrific treatment they endured. The 56 remaining animals deserve to have us take our time as we labor through all of this horrific material and take note of what a government animal shelter run by government workers did to these innocent and vulnerable animals that the city government of Magnolia, Arkansas swore to protect. Look at the pictures of the animals when they arrived at the shelter and then look at their pictures when they were RESCUED from the shelter. I know that they are difficult to look at, but think of what it was like for these animals to endure these cruelties day after day that transformed them from the animals they looked like when they arrived to what they looked like when they were rescued! I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart, in advance, for being the compassionate and loving people you are. Please muster up all that compassion and love and join this fight so something like this will never happen again in Magnolia or any other city in the U.S. God Bless All of You and God Bless the Innocent and Helpless Animals!
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 22:33:19 +0000

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